Ho can i generate Radar Charts using OWC



Hi All,
I am new in OWC Object structure.any one tell me How can i genrate Radar Charts using OWC in ASP.Net2.0?.
Is it possble?.If it is possible please give me any help desk links.
and also Any one facing technical problems or deployment problems using these components please tell me,becoz i am trying to implement all type of charts in my project using these components.Any one please give me best suggestion.

Thanks in advance

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

The radar chart is just another type of chart. Simply load the data, change the type and render it. There is code in here to do that if you care to google.

Alvin Bruney
Shameless author plug
Excel Services for .NET - MS Press
Professional VSTO 2005 - Wrox/Wiley
OWC Black Book www.lulu.com/owc

Hi All,
I am new in OWC Object structure.any one tell me How can i genrate Radar Charts using OWC in ASP.Net2.0?.
Is it possble?.If it is possible please give me any help desk links.
and also Any one facing technical problems or deployment problems using these components please tell me,becoz i am trying to implement all type of charts in my project using these components.Any one please give me best suggestion.

Thanks in advance

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