Hotspot links on shared borders disappear



I have been fighting with this problem for three days now and wish someone can help me. Using Frontpage 2003 I have created a jpg and inserted it into a top shared border. After creating the first hotspot, saving it and previewing it in a browser it works fine. Upon going back and creating a second hotspot on the same jpg and saving it the same way and previewing it in a browser, the first link disappears. When I go back to design mode and view the hotspot the outline is still there but the hyperlink address is now blank. I have downloaded all the latest updates and service packs, tried the sample on different computers with their versions of Fontpage 2003 and the results are identical. I have been using this technique on several websites without ever having a problem until I switched to Frontpage 2003. Please help
Thank you

Stefan B Rusynko

Are you just working in the shared border page or in the main page containing the shared border
Each Image map is assigned a unique image map tag as in
<map name="FPMap1"> <area .....> </map>
and an associated use map attribute in the image tag as

Make sure each image/map has a unique # as in FPMap1, FPMap2, FPMap3, etc

| I have been fighting with this problem for three days now and wish someone can help me. Using Frontpage 2003 I have created a jpg
and inserted it into a top shared border. After creating the first hotspot, saving it and previewing it in a browser it works fine.
Upon going back and creating a second hotspot on the same jpg and saving it the same way and previewing it in a browser, the first
link disappears. When I go back to design mode and view the hotspot the outline is still there but the hyperlink address is now
blank. I have downloaded all the latest updates and service packs, tried the sample on different computers with their versions of
Fontpage 2003 and the results are identical. I have been using this technique on several websites without ever having a problem
until I switched to Frontpage 2003. Please help
| Thank you
| Jimmybee

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