How can I change the Pink Color on the Interface?



Yeah, this is a terrible "feature". The color scheme of the new release is awful. It's a cross between Pepto-Bismol and Shart. Would definitely like to see the ability to choose your own color schemes implemented in future upgrades, please. Thanks.

Diane Ross

Yeah, this is a terrible "feature". The color scheme of the new release is
awful. It's a cross between Pepto-Bismol and Shart. Would definitely like to
see the ability to choose your own color schemes implemented in future
upgrades, please. Thanks.

Send Feedback to Microsoft under Help in the Menu bar. This is how they
determine user wishes for the next release.

Teddy RN

I thought it was just me?! Not only the colors, but the huge bar above the emails is horrible. you know that one between when the horizontal panes are showing between, the space between them -- i guess the separator. it's ginormous! even on a 30" display at very high resolutions it's a total waste-o-space

and yes those colors really aren't very good at all. they may 'blend' ok together, but its not in a good way at least for my eyes. esp the calendar colors ----- yukes!

Chris D.

The colors, especially in Entourage are horrendous.
Who would pick such a dark color and ugly color for the Day View and Reminders.. My monitor is calibrated for my professional photo business so I know it isn't my machine.. Trying to read the Day View and Reminders with the deep purple / pink / whatever the color is is just down right terrible.

Other issues with my upgrade.

2. It takes Entourage (every time, even after rebuilding my database)(and I don't have that many emails in my folders) at least 60 seconds (which is a lifetime sitting looking at my monitor) to open up.. if not longer. 2004 opened in two seconds.

3. The text in a lot of my html emails is all run together with complete sentences all garbled up. I read the font post but all my other applications are fine.. it is Entourage that is messed up, which that post didn't address.

4. I wish I had never purchased this update. Why I do this when Office 2004 ran fine for years and never gave me a problem is beyond me. Why Microsoft goes in and changes all the fonts on my whole computer is beyond me and a crime in my opinion. Stay out of my computer Microsoft. If you can't build a program without changing half my fonts then don't do it.. OR WARN PEOPLE BEFORE HAND !!!

Diane Ross

The colors, especially in Entourage are horrendous.

I agree. Purple is not a favorite color and a little of it goes a long way.
Who would pick such a dark color and ugly color for the Day View and
Reminders.. My monitor is calibrated for my professional photo business so I
know it isn't my machine.. Trying to read the Day View and Reminders with the
deep purple / pink / whatever the color is is just down right terrible.

Nice to hear from someone using a monitor that's calibrated.
Other issues with my upgrade.

2. It takes Entourage (every time, even after rebuilding my database)(and I
don't have that many emails in my folders) at least 60 seconds (which is a
lifetime sitting looking at my monitor) to open up.. if not longer. 2004
opened in two seconds.

This sounds like fonts rebuilding.
3. The text in a lot of my html emails is all run together with complete
sentences all garbled up. I read the font post but all my other applications
are fine.. it is Entourage that is messed up, which that post didn't address.

Is it mostly on this list? You can send as forward as attachment to Hui Nee
Chin (huchin AT microsoft DOT com) more detailed information, especially:

1. Do you see this with every message with every email correspondent?
2. Do you know what email client your correspondent uses?
3. What font (name and size) do you typically use?
4. Does it occur when you reply, when they reply, or both?

Make sure you put in the subject HMTL- run on sentences.
4. I wish I had never purchased this update. Why I do this when Office 2004
ran fine for years and never gave me a problem is beyond me. Why Microsoft
goes in and changes all the fonts on my whole computer is beyond me and a
crime in my opinion. Stay out of my computer Microsoft. If you can't build a
program without changing half my fonts then don't do it.. OR WARN PEOPLE

Let me explain a bit about the new fonts and where they are installed. This
might help you fix some of your problems. You don't have to use the new
fonts but it might affect the way some of the menus appear in Word. The fact
they are all in one place should help.

Office 2008 Font Install:

Office 2008 uses a different method for fonts and many fonts are new
versions. Office 2008 will install fonts to the /Library/Fonts/Microsoft
folder. By being at the root, then all users on the machine have access to
them and you don't get Office 2008 putting multiple copies on the machine
for each user.

The installer will scour /Library/Fonts/ and ~/Library/Fonts/ for fonts with
the same name and move them to /Library/Disabled Fonts/ or
~/Library/Disabled Fonts/ depending on where they were found.

Chris D.


Thanks for your input. Here is an update.

1. Colors (purple) Yuck !!

HTML emails and text run together.

2. I went through all my fonts in Font Book, one by one. After going through 650 fonts I narrowed it down to 8 fonts that could be causing the problem (8 because I was tired and quit). It has to be in Entourage because even though the html email is totally run together (just HTML emails) I can (drag) copy the garbled text and past it in TextEdit and it displays perfectly. I can also print (save) to a PDF and it show up fine. I can print the garbled email and it prints fine.. so it is Entourage that doesn't like one of the 8 fonts and won't display them in the preview or expanded email view, nothing else.

Slow to open..

3. Nothing works, I even turned off ALL my fonts in Font Book and restarted Entourage.. it still takes over a minute to open. The Splash Box just hangs forever.. then opens up.

Fonts (moved).

4. I don't like Microsoft messing with my computer.. Period !!!
There should be a BIG STATEMENT before you install it saying "Microsoft is going to move all your fonts and disable most of them by moving them into a Disabled Fonts folder for the whole computer and all Users. How dare they move all my fonts and disable most of them just so their program runs right. I have hundreds of programs on my computer including just about All of Adobe's programs that work on a Mac and they don't mess with my fonts, they just install their own in a different location.


The pink color choose by some "smart" person inside Microsoft, turns
Entourage special for a girl / child program! Look like a charm for this

Also the program still getting much amount of memory (real and virtual)....
So I prefer to use 04.... still fast to open (08 open in a few second
faster).... and have a very nice panel!

What a shame!!


Also, all fonts are to big! All Icon are to big. And the "head" messager
(from/date/to) has a large font I can't change.... Microsoft is think that
everyone has a 30"display?? My Imac has 20" and evething looks like a

For exemplo I try to use the same font is setting from the old Entourage 04
and the new one. To get the same size I need to use this setting:
Old 2008
Lista items: verdana 10 9
HTML messages: verdana 12 9
Plain text: geneva 12 9

Can anyone has change the head font size in every message? Is to big and
bold font!


I have to agree with the terrible choice of colors for Entourage. I can barely read the calendar events in my calendar when I use categories.. as it blends into the background.

I went in and edited the categories colors to make them a little darker and easier to read.


The comment I heard from over the cube wall - "Dude, where'd ya get the My Little Pony email reader?" Thanks Microsoft. And I have logged my feedback accordingly.

Diane Ross

The comment I heard from over the cube wall - "Dude, where'd ya get the My
Little Pony email reader?" Thanks Microsoft. And I have logged my feedback

I've got to admit, this is priceless as a description of the color. LOL


That's great!

I too am nauseated by the Entourage color scheme.

I have happily used Entourage at work for years, but now I grit my teeth every day in anticipation of an assault to my senses...

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