How can I find small letters



Suppose I would like to find any instance of small letter
(any small letter) in my document together with paraghraph
marks just after it (strings like: "a" + chr$(13), "b" +
chr$(13), ...).

I know I could do that in that way:

If (strText = ("a" + Chr$(13))) or (strText = ("b" +
chr$(13))) or ... Then

Is there a simpler way?

Thank you.

Mark Tangard

Hi Pawel,

You could use the 'Like' operator and then check the
ASCII value of the first character of the string.
So since Asc(a) = 97 and Asc(z) = 122, you could use:

If strText Like "?" & vbCr And _
Asc(Left(s, 1)) >= 97 And _
Asc(Left(s, 1)) <= 122 Then ...

But if you needed to do this several times within a
procedure the logical thing would be to write it up
as a *function*:

Function SmallLetterThenPara(x as String) as Boolean
If x Like "?" & vbCr And _
Asc(Left(s, 1)) >= 97 And _
Asc(Left(s, 1)) <= 122 Then
SmallLetterThenPara = True
End Function

Then you could test a string elsewhere in the module by
coding simply:

If SmallLetterThenPara(strText) = True Then....

Klaus Linke


If (strText Like "[a-z]" & vbCr) then ...
should work, too.

If you want to find the text in the document, and not in a string, you
could do a wildcard search (check "Match wildcards", Find what: [a-z]^13).
The macro recorder should give you some usable code.


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