How can I generate a report of all linked graphics in a Word docum



When inserting a screenshot into a document for our user documentation, we
use the Link to File option in an attempt to reduce the size of the resulting
..doc file.

Many of our handbooks have been around for a long time and over this time,
many graphics have been added to and removed from this document. In an effort
to clean up our graphics folders (and to delete any redundant graphics), I am
investigating the best way to go about this.

I need to know the names of all pictures I have inserted as 'Link to File'
so that I can cross reference this against our Graphics folder. I could
manually go through each of our documents (40+ documents, containing an
average of 150 pages each) but surely there must be a quicker/easier way of
achieving this? Maybe in the form of a report?

Is it possible to create a report in Microsoft Word that lists the inserted

Many thanks


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Assuming that the graphics are all inline (not wrapped), this will work.

1. Press Alt+F9 to display field codes. This will reveal an INCLUDEPICTURE
code for each graphic.

2. Use Find to search for ^19 INCLUDEPICTURE, checking the box for
"Highlight all items found."

3. Word will find and select all the INCLUDEPICTURE fields (the entire field
will be selected).

4. Use Copy to copy the selected text to paste into another document.



Many thanks for the response, it works a treat and this will really help us
out a lot.
Yesterday I got as far as Find and Replace, Highlight all items - but fell
down when it wouldn't recognise the { symbol as a search parameter!

Thanks again.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, it's very handy that when you ask Word to search for the beginning of a
field, it will select the entire field when found.

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