How can i link to an other program?


Bertil Haga

I want to create a link that opens RDP. I have created a document over my
network and now I want crate links in this document to different computers
and later convert it to a webpage. Any suggestions?

I’m using Visio Professional 2003

Al Edlund

assuming you have a custom property with an ipaddress, you might consider a
macro like this

Public sub TermServeToTarget(byval visShape as visio.shape)

Dim visCell As Visio.Cell
Dim wsh ' create a variable for the script shell
Dim strCommand as string

' build the command preface
strCommand = ""c:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe /v:"
' check for custom property, if there get ip address if not get out
if visShape.CellExists("prop.IpAddress",False) then
Set visCell = visShape.Cells("prop.IpAddress")
strCommand = strCommand & visCell.Value
strCommand = strCommand & " /console"

Msgbox"counldn't find custom property"
exit sub
end if

' create the script shell environment
Set wsh = CreateObject("")

' now execute the command that we built
wsh.Run (strCommand)

End Sub

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