How do I learn and where do I start?


April Klein

I'd like to learn more about programming for my access databases. I've
bought some books, but they are difficult to get through. Does anyone know
of other resources, good tutorials, or easier reads?




Well, you found one pretty good resource right here. As to books to suggest,
what is your experiece with:
Relational Databases
Programming Languages

I have not read this book, but based on the description, it might be a place
to start looking.

Also, try googling "Learning VBA" or "Beginner VBA"

I don't know what version of Access you are using, but try to pick a book
for that version.

Where you start depends on where you are.
And you can always post a question in these Access Newsgroups. No question
is dumb. None of us are born developers.


I would also add that you can learn a great deal by looking over what others
have done. websites like

house tons of information to learn from (and there are plenty more). Dave
is right Google away, there lots out there. As he said, this forum is a
great resource! As away, and usually you get your answer with all the
explanations necessary.

hope this helps,


April Klein

Thank you so much for the resources. My company uses Access 2003. I've been
building databases in Access since the 97 version, but only using queries,
macros, etc. The action queries, crosstab queries, and other functions can
get pretty complicated, but generally I've been able to figure it out.

I have come to this discussion board on several occassions for help solving
problems and what I've found is that when I'm stuck, the solution usually
requires some sort of code which I don't understand and have no experience
with. Luckily everyone here is great with instructions and explanations!

The first book I bought was Beginning Access 2000 VBA by Robert Smith and
David Sussman. It's about 2 1/2" too thick for me and I barely understand
the contents. I've looked for courses but there isn't much in my area so I
thought you might have some ideas.


I'm in a similar situation, lots of programming background (started in the
70's). Need to get up to speed with Access and VBA.

The "right book"/resource depends on your learning style. I need the type
that walks me through the steps and explains what each statement is doing.
Just purchased "Microsft Access Visual Basic: Step by Step" by Evan Callahan.
Unfortunately the floppy disk is no longer readable - need to find someone
with a copy of the practice files. This book was written in 95. But, the
teaching style is what works for me. So, I suggest checking Evan Callahan's
books. And, since you wrote that you use the message board, we know you
appreciate the internet resource.

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