How do i set up a database for Customers & Suppliers, for an IT B.


Tash ;)

I would like to know CLEAR instruction on setting up 2 databases that
connect. One for Customers and the 2nd for Suppliers. We are looking at
starting our own IT Business and need some helpfull information on HOW TO
START... Is it approproate to use Access. We also want to keep figures of
which customer owes how much. Something Simple, & user firendly?

Van T. Dinh

Correction: you want to build _one_ database application that handles both
customers and suppliers since suppliers provide whatever you need to sell to
your customers. Another reason is that some entities can be both supplier
and customer.

These newsgroups are mainly for short / sharp technical questions that can
be answered by brief replies. Basically what you asked are usually covered
in most Access introductory books and I doubt anyone going to re-type the
chapters here for you (not to mention the copyrightinfringements!).

Perhaps, you should start by reading an Access book and experiment for
yourself. When you have specific questions, post here.

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