How to define resource with specific days of work + holiday?


Prihadi R.


I have a project situation where a resource will work with this kind of
rule: 30 days work (including weekends) followed by 28 days of Holiday
(including weekends), then this rotation will recurring again.

Another information is that 1 day before the a resource entering his/her 28
days holiday another resouce will take cover the work with the same working
rotation rule (30days work + 28days holiday).

Example : A working from day 1 - day 30 then will have holiday from day 31
till day 59, while B will start working from day 29 then will have holiday
from day 57, and the task will recurring back to A then B ,etc.

Is it possible to create a task that takes 3years and when I assign the
resources (A & B) it can show the working rotation for that resources?
(30days work - 28 days holiday - 30 days works - ...)

Hope I describe the situation clear enough. Any help will be very appreciated.


Mike Glen

Hi Prihadi ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Yes - just create a new calendar for each resource, though it'll take some
time to set up! Try Tools/Change Working Time... It might be simpler to
set up a single 7 day calendar and assign a combined resource AB, allowing
the two resources to manage their own days on that task.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for Project Tutorials

Prihadi R.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the fast reply. Is there any way to modify the calendar fast ?
Because I have 10 resources and each of them will start on different dates
for seperate project which each project will have period of 3 years. (10
resources for 10 seperate projects with difference start date)

Having to look and count manually 30days working time (from starting time) +
28days holiday for the period of 3 years (times 10 resources) for sure will
takes a lot of time.

Prihadi R.

Mike Glen

Hi Prihadi,

I can't think of a way round this as it is so individual :( You don't have
to select each day - you can click and drag over the full 28 or 30 days in
the calendar and set them all at once. But, as I said, it will take some
time to set up.

Unless anyone else knows a way?

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Steve House

Mike's suggestions are the only way I can think of to handle this but just
wanted to mention, with your people working 30 days in a row without a day
off, aren't you worried that this work schedule is going to severely impact
their productivity due to accumulated fatique? At least one day off out of
every 7 or so and an 8 to 10 hour maximum workday is not just an economic,
political, or cultural issue - Mother Nature has evolved human physiology
such that we require periodic rest periods approximating that pattern in
order both to remain sane and to have sufficient energy to engage in safe
and productive activity. Setting expectations exceeding that is to place
your resource's health and safety and their productivity at risk.

I also wonder at your statement that their tasks last 3 years. That's
incredibly long for a single task in a project plan, a task being defined as
a block of observable activity resulting in a single deliverable. While
there certainly are exceptions, in most modern working environments that
means you're most like to find that task durations range from about 8 hours
up to about 80 hours. Much over 80 usually means you're not breaking the
project down into small enough work packages to actually be able to schedule
them, manage the workflow, and measure progress.

Just a few thoughts upon reading your post

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