How to disable powerpoint in Internet Explorer?


I'm trying here!!!

Every time that someone cliks a link to a Pwerpoint document in Internet
Explorer I want to have Internet Explorer Present the user with a Download
Dialog box, not to open the document in Explorer. How is That Done?

I''m trying here!!!

initial Question--->"Every time that someone cliks a link to a Pwerpoint
document in Internet
Explorer I want to have Internet Explorer Present the user with a Download
Dialog box, not to open the document in Explorer. How is That Done?"
Completion of question---->Well thanks for the answer it is the best one
since i did not formulated the question proper.
The thing is that I need to know how to open the powerpoint file
automatically with Power point not internet explorer, when a link to a
powerpoint file is clicked?
If I try to print from internet explorer i don't get all the functinality i
need with the print button. I know thereare alternaties like "Ctrl+p" but
students don't care about that so they waste paper, so I need to have some

Tim Robichaux

Thank you for that link, but I did find it myself eariler. In reading the
documentation contianed, though, you'll notice that this is just for up to
PowerPoint 2002. This does not solve the problem for 2003.

Whenever I have someone click on a .ppt file, it opens in IE. I have tried
both the registry edit and the File Type solution but neither seem to apply
to the way that 2003 handles documents.

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