Howto use DLookup in an mda file?


Lars R. Jensen

Please look at this scenario:

Access 2003

Table: tblSetup

'Function in a Module
Public function GetServerDir(...) as String
strResult = Nz(DLookup("[Value]", "tblSetup", strCrit), "")
End function

CTS.mde references WorkLib.mda

Public Sub ShowLib()
Debug.Print GetServerDir(...)
End Sub

If I run the ShowLib sub from the CTS.mde file, it looks for the table
tblSetup in the CTS.mde file, not in the WorkLib.mda file as I want it to. I
know it will work if I just link to the tblSetup table from the CTS.mde
file, but I want WorkLib.mda to handle the table data and just deliver the
result. My question is:
How do I mould the DLookup statement to look at the CodeData, not the
Is it possible at all?
Maybe I should do a regular query instead?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Lars R. Jensen.

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