Hyperlinks missing in recieved Word template emails




I downloaded the Newsletter template wizard for MS Word (my version is
2003), then customised it including several hyperlinks to website within the
text boxes.

I then created an email (File>Sent To> Mail Recipient) at which point the
hyperlinks (whether full URLs or 'text to display') all appear.

On recieving the emails, pass the mouse over the URL or 'Text to Display'
shows no available link present.

However, if I then forward this same email, prior to sending the links all

In order to test out my Word and Outlook, I sent a simply word document with
a solitary 'text to Display' hyperlink and this worked fine, so I suspect
some issue of the text boxes of the Newsletter template being the problem,
but heck, what do I know!

Any ideas, would be greatly appreciated; BTW here is a link to the word
document with which I am having problems: http://tombrowns.co.uk/tb.doc -in
case it may help track down the problem.

many thanks in advance for any help.

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