Identity pop-up



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

Every time I start Entourage a pop-up appears with the messsage 'updating Identity '. The pop-up stays sometimes more than 5 minutes and you cannot use Entourage in the meantime. I read some possible solutions on the forum about the subject but the solutions don't work or are very complicated. Isn't there easy fix for this problem becaurse it is almost impossible to work with Entourage in this way.

Diane Ross

Every time I start Entourage a pop-up appears with the messsage 'updating
Identity '. The pop-up stays sometimes more than 5 minutes and you cannot use
Entourage in the meantime. I read some possible solutions on the forum about
the subject but the solutions don't work or are very complicated. Isn't there
easy fix for this problem becaurse it is almost impossible to work with
Entourage in this way.

See these fixes:

Install and Update Errors

Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>
YouTalk <> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <>


See these fixes:

Install and Update Errors

Entourage Help Page
Entourage Help Blog
YouTalk Twitter: follow

Thank you Diana for your advise but it didn't help. I allow al incoming traffic so there is no Entourage line in the Firewall. I created a new identity and migrated all e-mail, contacts and calender items. The first few startups from Entourage everything worked well but now the problem is starting again so in the end it didn't solve it. Are there other solutions.

Diane Ross

Did you delete the Entourage Preference Files in the Microsoft Folder in the
User Library Preferences? I would suggest you test in a new User Account,
but this is not an error that you can test directly. Trying to work long
time can make it difficult to get other work done since the User contains
none of your other files.

For good measure download and run the latest Apple combo. Doing so
overwrites potentially problem-causing files. Combo updaters will install on
the same version as they¹re applying‹no need to roll back or do a clean


Mac OS X 10.5.6 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

If this fails, you might need to do a reinstall of Office 2008.

follow these steps to reinstall:

* Launch the Microsoft Autoupdater (MAU).To launch MAU, you can open any
Office application and select "Check for Updates" under Help in the Menu
bar. Once MAU is launched, select "Keep in Dock"
* Quit all Microsoft applications (Easy way: log out/in with Shift key down
to disable any startup items.) Be sure all applications are quit before
running updater. IMPORTANT
* Drag the Microsoft Office 2008 folder to the Trash.
* Empty Trash.
* Reinstall Office 2008 from your original installation disk.
* Restart
* Update to 12.1.0 (if you have a newer DVD you might only need the 12.1.5)
* Restart (restarting before you launch any app is important!)
* Update to 12.1.5
* Restart

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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