Implementation for Client using RDIMS (Hummingbird)



Just wondering if anyone has implemented a FE / BE solution for a client
using RDIMS. Is this possible? I do not have any experience implementing in
this environment. I usually use the traditional LAN approach (Shared Drive

Thanks in advance for any comments!


RDIMS is a records management system. Or is there some operating system or
environment by the same acronymn?


RDIMS *is* a records management system and this is how this client manages
their documents. Do you have any experience in setting up the file (BE) on
this system and then using a locally installed front ent (FE) to access the
(BE) or am I totally of track with what I'm saying?


Are you saying you want to link to the data in RDIMS?
I really don't have any experience with it, but you probably need to talk to
the vendor and see if they have an ODBC driver for their data files. Or, if
their data is stored in a common database engine such as SQL Server or
Oracle, then it will not be a problem.


Sorry I don't have an exact answer for you.
Maybe someone else will, but in the meantime, I would contact the vendor.
They would be the best source of information for you.
Hopefully they will be cooperative. Some vendors are very helpful, but
others put on their "proprietary" hats and get wierd on you.

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