Incorrect word breaks in Normal view



Hello. I'm using Office X with the latest updates and the latest OS X
release. The end-of-line word breaks often fall differently in the
Normal view from Page Layout view and Print Preview (each of these last
two being the same, and consistent with what is printed). To my
thinking, different Normal view word breaks are a bug. While I am told
that this has been the case for a number of recent releases over the
years, the old Word 5.1a version always had consistent Normal and Page
Layout views with regard to word breaks. Further, there is a checkbox
under Preferences / View / Window called "Wrap To Window" where the
descriptive text while dwelling there says "To wrap the text as it will
appear when printed, clear the Wrap To Window check box. This only
affects the Normal and Outline views." And so it seems like Normal view
should show word breaks as printed, yet this is not the case on my
system. Having to work in Page View to see proper breaks has a variety
of problems and inconveniences associated with it. Should not Normal
view reflect proper breaks, and is there a way to fix this, or is it
just a bug or a "feature" (ill-conceived) or is there a problem with my
system? Thanks very much in advance for any help.


Never noticed that before. Most of the time I take the speed hit in
page view because normal view is *so* ugly, that I get distracted from
what I am trying to write.

Yes, Normal is "ugly" but I often prefer it over seeing the page breaks
as separate pages vs. just dotted lines, because it artifically breaks
up my content if I am say involved in creative writing. Seems to me
that Normal and Page views should break the same way they used to in the
old 5.1a version.
Word 5 was such an improvement on its successors wasn't it?

Word 5, and specifically the most stable release 5.1a, was very stable
and capable, and the last Word before the feature load and memory bloat
caused it to explode into a much less friendly program, in my opinion.
I use the latest Word when I need compatibility, but would you believe
that for 95% of my Word work I still use the ancient, though entirely
capable and super fast 5.1a! I starts up virtually instantly, and never
hesitates. I really wish Microsoft would fixt the WYSNWYG bug (What You
See is Not What You Get). Microsoft support told me it was a "feature"
to minimize system resource use in Normal view. I have a major problem
believing this "bug is really a feature" scenario since it worked just
fine in old versions with no delay penalty. I consider this a major
flaw in the current Word that makes it almost unusable for me. OK -
enough ranting. Looking for a fix for the problem!

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