InfoPath and MS Access2000-2003


Mohammed Zenuwah

Hi There,

I'm hoping someone can possibly shed some light on a small problem i'm

I've created a form linked to an existing Access database using the data
source wizard. Instead of adding as specific table, I've added a modified
query, which filters out results not required within the form.

On completion of both the queryform and dataform I've tested a few querys
and each time the results on the dataform show all lines matching to the
critera within the queryform but not based on the original query i linked,
instead it is showing all results from the source table for this query,
basically ignoring all properties assigned to this query within the Access

I've figured out that I need to modify the sql statement to get the correct
data from the table, after some fiddling about I've finally managed this,
however when i hit the finish button on the wizard instead of giving me two
data sources, queryfields and datafields I only get datafields.

So my question is, how do i now add a new set off query fields?

thanks in advance,


Roger Jennings

InfoPath data operations are designed to work with base tables, not queries.
If more than one table is involved, you must establish a relationship in the
Data Connection Wizard when creating the data source. Working with
individual tables makes UPDATEs and INSERTs simpler.

The approach is similar to that for .NET DataSets.


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