Installing Entourage separately (with Word &Excel already installed).



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Hello,

I installed (only) Word and Excel 2008 a long time ago and recently to install Entourage from the same disk. In setup I unchecked all the boxes except Entourage and it seemed to install ok. It is there in my apps. But when I try to load the program, it says, "THIS IDENTITY CANNOT BE OPENED WITH THIS VERSION OF OFFICE." Also the update cannot install, not finding software that it wants to see. Can someone help me? Thanks, John


May I add that I tried today to uninstall office and start over again (using the "remove office.ap" on my hard drive) but it cannot locate the installed Office components. I will appreciate very much some advice. Thanks, John

Diane Ross

May I add that I tried today to uninstall office and start over again
(using the "remove office.ap" on my hard drive) but it cannot locate the
installed Office components. I will appreciate very much some advice.
Thanks, John

See this link. You'll find info on removing and links to manually
remove. The link to manually might not be totally up to date, but
between the page and the link you should be able to get everything.



Thanks Diane, thats what I need to do - a manual remove. But it is disappointing that I have to do this. Dunno when it ever happened me before. Is this problem because of incompatibility between OSX 10.6 and Office 2008?

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