Invisible Downloaded Pictures Rx



Restatement of Problem: Pictures downloaded into Word
(in Word 200; Win XP)appeared only as a line square. See
Invisible Downloaded Pictures post from Sept. 20th 5:24 PM
for full description.

Solution Brief: Use Paste Special with the paste
as "Bitmap" option. The Paste Special option is (on my
system) available only from the "Edit" drop down field.

Short Discussion: In Word 97, copying pictures from the
Internet was easy, using the Paste function from either
the mouse or the Edit field. What was not at all apparent
was that the image was copied as a bitmap into the Word
document. Subsequent comporison of file sizes of Paste vs
Paste Special > Bitmap confirm this. The Word 2000 bitmap
is slightly larger than the Word 97 bitmap of the very
same image, but not probmatically so. The Display as Icom
option was NOT checked in the Paste Special field (but
this was the default setting on my system). The above
Paste Special > Bitmap solution works well on my system,
but the key is the Bitmap option. The other Paste Special
options do not work. Thanks to those who contributed:
Garfield, Ray, & Andy

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Michael,

It's possible that the term 'downloaded', as used
in this context, may have been interpreted more than one way :)

Word 97 and Word 200x series products differ in the way
they work with internet content. The current Word versions
use the HTML/XML capabilities as underlying structure for
the documents created. Word 97 did not. All of the
HTML capabilities in Word v6('94) through Word v8'(97)
were from a MS created Word add-in.

When you copy and paste in Word 2002/2003 from the
Internet Word goes to the site and pulls 'fresh' content
before pasting.

If you use Edit=Paste in Word from a website (for example
go to , right click on the logo and then
switch to Word and use right click paste, if the graphic is
an 'inline' formatted one, toggling Alt+F9 should show that
what Word pasted was an {Include Picture} link rather than
the actual graphic. If you use Edit=>Paste Special and
choose a graphics format, such as bitmap Word pastes a graphic
rather than a link. (Cut the then pasted 'Device Independent
Bitmap' from the document where it was just pasted, choose
Edit=>Paste Special again and you should get more format choices
for pasting).

The issue with a graphics card acceleration, MS'S GDI+ structure
that Word introduced and that Windows now weaves into handling
of graphics can, along with Word's crash-test push on graphics
card drivers can also produce some unwanted effects and quite
often the 'fix' will be left to the graphics card software designer
or to deaccelerating the graphics card to a better performing

Restatement of Problem: Pictures downloaded into Word
(in Word 200; Win XP)appeared only as a line square. See
Invisible Downloaded Pictures post from Sept. 20th 5:24 PM
for full description.

Solution Brief: Use Paste Special with the paste
as "Bitmap" option. The Paste Special option is (on my
system) available only from the "Edit" drop down field.

Short Discussion: In Word 97, copying pictures from the
Internet was easy, using the Paste function from either
the mouse or the Edit field. What was not at all apparent
was that the image was copied as a bitmap into the Word
document. Subsequent comporison of file sizes of Paste vs
Paste Special > Bitmap confirm this. The Word 2000 bitmap
is slightly larger than the Word 97 bitmap of the very
same image, but not probmatically so. The Display as Icom
option was NOT checked in the Paste Special field (but
this was the default setting on my system). The above
Paste Special > Bitmap solution works well on my system,
but the key is the Bitmap option. The other Paste Special
options do not work. Thanks to those who contributed:
Garfield, Ray, & Andy >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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