Is this the place for VB 6 questions?



If not, where would I go?

I had to install Visual Studio 6.0 to build a dll that is used by one of our
applications. Without Visual Studio I have worked with VB in Access, and I
think that might be what this forum is for. Please advise.


Karl E. Peterson

Hi Laurel --
If not, where would I go?

I had to install Visual Studio 6.0 to build a dll that is used by one of our
applications. Without Visual Studio I have worked with VB in Access, and I
think that might be what this forum is for. Please advise.

This is mostly for Word/VBA questions, as the groupname might imply. <g>

There are folks here who understand VB6 quite well, but you'll find a far broader
audience in groups such as:


The group with the most activity, and widest range of topics, is:


Thanks... Karl

Gordon Bentley-Mix


The VB General NG doesn't look like a very nice place to hang out if the
thread I stumbled across is any indication. If you spend any time there then
I'm sure you'll recognise the names Mike Williams and Bill McCarthy - SCARY!
I think I'll just stick to the Word groups; we're _much_ more friendly. ;-P

Gordon Bentley-Mix
Word MVP

Uninvited email contact will be marked as SPAM and ignored. Please post all
follow-ups to the newsgroup.


Oh, sorry - didn't notice the "word." Actually, my dll does calls to Word.
But I think I'll mosey over to vb.general

Thanks much.


Ah.... Well, after I try them out, if I get scared, I may come back here,
based on the fact that my dll makes lots of calls to Word.


Karl E. Peterson

Gordon said:
The VB General NG doesn't look like a very nice place to hang out if the
thread I stumbled across is any indication. If you spend any time there then
I'm sure you'll recognise the names Mike Williams and Bill McCarthy - SCARY!
I think I'll just stick to the Word groups; we're _much_ more friendly. ;-P

That's been a really pathetic little tiff that's been ongoing now for several
months. Most regulars have them twit-filtered out. I occassionally *slap* the
worst offender, because, well, he deserves it. <g> But, yeah, that's often the case
with programming forums. It becomes part of the entertainment, once you become
accustomed to it.

Karl E. Peterson

Laurel said:
Oh, sorry - didn't notice the "word." Actually, my dll does calls to Word.
But I think I'll mosey over to vb.general

Well, I saw in another of your posts that you're calling into the Word object model
a bit/lot. In that case, yeah, this would definitely be a good group as well.
Probably best to try figuring out which side of the equation each question best
fits, and sling it out there. If it's way off base, someone will always tell ya.
<g> And, as I said, there's cross-pollination between the two areas, too, so you
will pick up random good responses even for the tangentially related posts.

Karl E. Peterson

Karl said:
That's been a really pathetic little tiff that's been ongoing now for several
months. Most regulars have them twit-filtered out. I occassionally *slap* the
worst offender, because, well, he deserves it. <g> But, yeah, that's often the
case with programming forums. It becomes part of the entertainment, once you
become accustomed to it.

Y'know, that said, all the participants in those threads are also *solid*
contributors in their own rights, too. When the subject isn't each other. <g>
Trade-offs, huh?

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