keep source formatting



On importing ppt slides, if all the slides are imported the background is
available at the destination. but in the case the first slide is skipped and
rest all slides imported ,the the background is not available ,only the text
how can i solve this problem.

Steve Rindsberg

Ginnijoseph said:
On importing ppt slides, if all the slides are imported the background is
available at the destination. but in the case the first slide is skipped and
rest all slides imported ,the the background is not available ,only the text
how can i solve this problem.

Can you post the code you're using to import the slides?

What version of PPT?


This problem arises only in version greater than office 2000.
Please advice


In my project ,im able to perfectly import ppt files in ppt version 2000 and
below ,here i use the function of microsoft,
long Slides::InsertFromFile(LPCTSTR FileName,long Index, long
SlideStart,long SlideEnd)
But in ppt versions higher than than 2000 ,i call the same ppt function
here in the case i import the ppt file excluding the first image,then the
background is entirely lost.Could u pls advice.


In my project ,im able to perfectly import ppt files in ppt version 2000 and
below ,here i use the function of microsoft,
long Slides::InsertFromFile(LPCTSTR FileName,long Index, long
SlideStart,long SlideEnd)
But in ppt versions higher than than 2000 ,i call the same ppt function
here in the case i import the ppt file excluding the first image,then the
background is entirely lost.Could u pls advice.

Steve Rindsberg

Ginnijoseph said:
In my project ,im able to perfectly import ppt files in ppt version 2000 and
below ,here i use the function of microsoft,
long Slides::InsertFromFile(LPCTSTR FileName,long Index, long
SlideStart,long SlideEnd)
But in ppt versions higher than than 2000 ,i call the same ppt function
here in the case i import the ppt file excluding the first image,then the
background is entirely lost.Could u pls advice.

Which background is lost? The one from the slide you're importing or from the
slide presentation you're importing INTO?


You import a slide form BlueBackground.PPT (which has a blue background) into

What happens to the background?


In the example the Blue Background is lost but the text is always retained on
importing.The background attains white color and the original color of ppt is

Steve Rindsberg

In the example the Blue Background is lost but the text is always retained on
importing.The background attains white color and the original color of ppt is

When you do the import manually, PPT2003 lets you choose whether to retain the
formatting of the original slide or have the slide take on the formatting of the
presentation you're importing it into. When you do it by code, you don't have that
option, unfortunately.

You may have to work out which master in the original presentation the slide uses,
import it, then import the master from the original presentation into the new
presentation if it doesn't already exist, then apply the newly imported master to
the new slide.


I request you to explain me in more details as im not able to understand
what you meant by saying "master".can u please tell me which functions i need
to use and also if u have any sample code please give me the link. Please

Steve Rindsberg

I request you to explain me in more details as im not able to understand
what you meant by saying "master".can u please tell me which functions i need
to use and also if u have any sample code please give me the link. Please

Every slide has a master and in some cases a design that determines what it looks like.
The reason your slides are not holding their formatting when you copy/paste them is that
PPT is applying the master from the presentation you're pasting INTO rather than keeping
the master (formatting) from the original slide.

I don't have any code examples to give you, but you might find something useful at

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