"Like" fucntion in VBA



Hi there,

Could anyone please tell me what the equivalent is in VBA of the "Like"
function that you can use in query criteria etc. and the correct syntax
for using it?

Many thanks - David

Douglas J. Steele

Like works in VBA.

?"ABC" Like "*B*"
?"ABC" Like "B*"
?"ABC" Like "?B*"

Shane S via AccessMonster.com

Hey Dave,

Here's a snippet of code that I use on one of my search forms. I think it
may let you see what your asking.
Hope it helps.

Select Case Me.optFind
Case 1
stWhere = stWhere & stActive & " AND Orders.
Equipment" & _
" LIKE '*" & Me!
[txtEquip] & "*'"
Case 2
stWhere = stWhere & " AND ((Not (Orders.PIFDate)
Is Null)) AND Orders.Equipment" & _
" LIKE '*" & Me!
[txtEquip] & "*'"
Case 3
stWhere = stWhere & " AND Orders.Equipment" & _
" LIKE '*" & Me!
[txtEquip] & "*'"
End Select

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