loop on criteria



hi all,
i would like to do a loop on criteria list in order to use it for a
comperasion for access file,
what is the best way to do it?

Bob Phillips


For Each cell in Range("Criteria")
'do something
Next cell

which assumes that the criteria is a named range


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


hi Bob
thank you for the answer
i didnt understand so much how can implement it
the issue is that i need to use the criteria in order to compare with
another office tool access now in order to do this i need to take the
value of the criteria.
do you have an idea how can i do it?

Bob Phillips כתב:

Bob Phillips

Not enough info to work on I am afraid.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

hi Bob
thank you for the answer
i didnt understand so much how can implement it
the issue is that i need to use the criteria in order to compare with
another office tool access now in order to do this i need to take the
value of the criteria.
do you have an idea how can i do it?

Bob Phillips ???:

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