Mac Office 2004 upgrades won't take



Let me start with thank you for your time and the ideas you share!

Here is my problem: I have Mac Office 2004 11.0.0 installed on a iMac
Power PC G4 with an operating system of Mac OSX 10.3.9. I've
downloaded the Mac Office 2004 11.3.3 upgrade and have tried to launch
it. The computer took several minutes "searching for programs to
update"; then gave me a message "The installer could not locate the
correct version of the software required to install this update..."
What am I doing wrong?

JE McGimpsey

Let me start with thank you for your time and the ideas you share!

Here is my problem: I have Mac Office 2004 11.0.0 installed on a iMac
Power PC G4 with an operating system of Mac OSX 10.3.9. I've
downloaded the Mac Office 2004 11.3.3 upgrade and have tried to launch
it. The computer took several minutes "searching for programs to
update"; then gave me a message "The installer could not locate the
correct version of the software required to install this update..."
What am I doing wrong?

Where is Office installed? By default it's in the HD:Applications menu.

The 11.3.3 update is rather old. Try downloading the 11.3.5, 11.3.6 and
11.3.7 updates from

or run the Microsoft AutoUpdate application.

Diane Ross

Here is my problem: I have Mac Office 2004 11.0.0 installed on a iMac
Power PC G4 with an operating system of Mac OSX 10.3.9. I've
downloaded the Mac Office 2004 11.3.3 upgrade and have tried to launch
it. The computer took several minutes "searching for programs to
update"; then gave me a message "The installer could not locate the
correct version of the software required to install this update..."
What am I doing wrong?

In addition to getting the latest updates as JE mentioned, the problem of
not finding the correct version has several solutions. Start with the
easiest one.

1. Download and install the latest Apple combo updater. Doing so overwrites
potentially problem-causing files. Combo updaters will install on the same
version as they¹re applying‹no need to roll back or do a clean install.

Restart and run Repair Permissions after installing.

Mac OS X 10.4.10 Combo Update (PPC)

2. You might need to use "Remove Office" and reinstall from the CD then
update. "Remove Office" is found in Additional Tools folder inside the
Office 2004 folder.

3. Some users have had to resort to using "Archive & Install" of the OS.

Please let us know what works for you.


Just to confirm what John & Diane have suggested, the 11.3.3 update won't
work for you if your installation is 11.0.0 - 11.3.3 was an interim update &
requires that you be at 11.3.0, which is what the installer "can't find":)
[Where did you d/l it from? It isn't even available on Mactopia any longer.]

The 11.3.5 updater should be able to catch you up. Follow the link below,
then proceed with the 11.3.6 and 11.3.7 and all should be well.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Let me start with thank you for your time and the ideas you share!

Here is my problem: I have Mac Office 2004 11.0.0 installed on a iMac
Power PC G4 with an operating system of Mac OSX 10.3.9. I've
downloaded the Mac Office 2004 11.3.3 upgrade and have tried to launch
it. The computer took several minutes "searching for programs to
update"; then gave me a message "The installer could not locate the
correct version of the software required to install this update..."
What am I doing wrong?

JE McGimpsey, Diane Ross and Bob Jones - Thanks for your help and I
will attempt to answer each of your questions:

JE - Office is on the HD/Applications Menu, I did download and
attempted the install the 11.3.5 upgrade; I had the same problem as
above - installer could not locate the correct version.... The 11.3.6
and 11.3.7 require 11.3.5 for installation so I didn't try them.

Diane - I am actively downloading the Mac OSX 10.4.10 combo update
(ppc) and have 18 minutes to go... I am hopeful this will solve the
problem and will follow up on Monday to let you know.
Bob - I downloaded the 10.3.3 from the following link.
I got there by following the instructions from this site.
This all started because I wanted to use entourage on a networked
computer instead of using outlook express. It doesn't quite seem
worth it now....

Thanks to you all and I'll follow up Monday with the results of the
"combo download"

Diane Ross

This all started because I wanted to use entourage on a networked
computer instead of using outlook express. It doesn't quite seem
worth it now....

More than likely the problem that caused your trouble has affected other just haven't found them yet.

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