macros with expired or revoked signature



Hi, when I open Word (OfficeXp), I get an error message
advising "This file contains macros with expired or
revoked signature. Since running under High Security
Level, these macros will be disabled."
When I click KO, I get another error message "The macros
in this project are disabled. Please refer to the on-line
help or documentation of the host application to
determine how to enable macros." Is this "a problem", if
so what do I do? If it is not a problem, how do I get rid
of these error messages? Thanks, Bob

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Have you tried doing what the message suggests? Look in Word's Help for
"enable macros."


Thank you for your reply Suzanne, yes I did look at it
but found the explaination as cryptic as the error
message. Bob

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Have you looked at the Help topic "Troubleshoot macro security and
warnings"? The bottom line is that macro security is by default set to High,
which means that no macros will be enabled. Go to Tools | Options | Security
and set the level to Medium. You will now get a warning that will allow you
to enable or disable macros. If you also check the box on the Trusted
Sources tab for "Trust all installed templates and add-ins," you will not
get a warning from macros in Word's user templates, workgroup templates, or
Startup folder. Unfortunately, this trust does not extend to the Office
Startup folder; for templates and add-ins there, you may have the option of
checking a box to trust the specific add-in.


Thank you for your help but if I set Security to Medium
and leave it at Medium, I believe that I will leave my
computer susceptible to virus attacks. Is there a way
that I can delete this macro (which appears to be placed
in Word by IBMs ViaVoice program)? Thank you again for
your help. Bob

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Remove the add-in. See my reply in word.docmanagement. I assure you that
setting your security to Medium will not make you vulnerable to virus
attacks. All this does is gives you the option of enabling or disabling

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