material resources consuming tracking



How material Resources consuming can be track by PM ? and who will claim the
actual consuming for the materials ?

thx in advance

Steve House

Do you mean "who will claim the consuming" to be the persons using the
materials? Project attributes the consumption and costs of materials (and
the labour costs of work resources) to the task that uses them, not to the
people doing the task.


I meant not who will claim the consuming but how the material can be claimed
if the task that I assigned not to the work resources(people) but only
material resources?
and i want to know how to calculate the total cost of materials that have
been consuming by people?
FYI, I used my project pro 2002 and project server (PWA) to interact between
PM and the resources.

Thank in advance..

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Diwan,

Let me try to simply re-phrase Steve's post.
There is no link between work resoruces and material reources.
Material resources are consumed by tasks, not by people.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620

Steve House

You have to get over the notion of materials being consumed by resources.
They are not. Materials are used by tasks, not by people. It sounds like
you want to get a report that says Bob and Jim are working together laying
bricks for a wall and Bob laid 100 bricks and Jim laid 150 bricks. Project
cannot produce that kind of report. It CAN tell you that it took a total of
250 bricks to build the wall (and the cost of the bricks) but it cannot tell
you how many of them each bricklayer used. Or have I misunderstood what
you're asking for?


yup, your explanation is closed to what I'm asking for, steve..
I'm also agree with ms.project can help us by calculated all materials that
has being consumed on that task.
But how to calculate the additional cost of the material that being consumed
on that task if we at the beginning know exactly the total material being
prepared for the project ?

thx in advance..

Steve House

When you create your resources you include the materials you need to track
in the list on the resource sheet along with the work resources and mark
them as material under the type column. The unit you use to measure
consumption is entered in the material label column. If it was movie film
the label might be "feet", for example, or if it was coal, perhaps "tons"
etc. The cost per unit is entered in the same standard rate column that you
use for the labour cost of your work resources. Then when you assign
resources to tasks, you entered the number of units of materials you
estimate that task will require in the resource assignment dialog, just like
you enter the effort percentage of the work resources you're assigning. You
can enter it as either the absolute amount, ie, 5000 feet of film which will
remain constant regardless of the task duration, or you can enter it as a
consumption rate, 500/hour, and it will calculate the total amount based on
the task duration. So if you were making a movie, a certain task might look
like this:

Film Car Crash, Duration 3 hours
Resource Assignments:
Director 100%
Camera Operator 100%
Stunt Driver 100%
Panavision Camera 300% (meaning we have 3 cameras set up)
70mm Film 3000/hour (meaning we'll expect to expose about 3000 feet of
film for each hour of the shoot, 1000 feet per camera, a total of 9000
unless the duration changes)

Any of the reports or views that show individual resource costs will show
the breakdown. Hope this helps



your explanation is really help for me to know better how the material
resources can be proccess in ms.project.Thanks steve.. :)

could you give me another sample for that process. e.g : in manufacturing
industry maybe? I reallly want to know how ms.project handle project in
manufacturing industries, so ms.project features might be usefull for them?

Thanks in advance..
Best Rgrds,


Steve House

There are so many possibilities I can't begin to think of one that would
cover all the bases. You say you are interested in an example from
manufacturing and my alarm bells are going off - what exactly are you trying
to get Project to do for you? Can you describe the substance of your
specific project in more detail please? Are you trying to schedule a
production line or are you trying to get a new product online line, setup
the assembly line etc. Project is not a optimal tool to use for ongoing,
continuous operations like scheduling shift work on an assembly line putting
together toasters one after another ad infinitum. OTOH, it is great tool to
use to schedule the development project that creates the new Nuclear Powered
Super-Megatoaster that Marketing wants to put in the stores next year and
building the new plant that will manufacture it.

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