Mergefield Editor



Hi everybody,

I was wondering if there is an editor that helps us working on those fields
in Word by highlithing fields and arguments in different colors (like Excel)
and braking up the nested field programming into an algorithm-like look.

Any hints?

Thank you for your time


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

The following might suffice:

Sub ConvertSelectedFieldsToText()
Call FieldCodeToText(Selection.Range)
End Sub

Function FieldCodeToText(rngOrig As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim Colour As WdColorIndex
Dim i As Long
i = 2
If rngOrig.Fields.Count <= 1 Then
' Not more than one field in selection,
' so replace first field in selection
' with its code surrounded by braces
rngOrig.Text = "{" & _
rngOrig.Fields(1).code.Text & "}"
Colour = i
' More than one field in selection,
' move to next field and check again,
' until there's only one field left
Set rng = rngOrig.Duplicate
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = i
Call FieldCodeToText(Selection.Range)
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until rngOrig.Fields.Count = 0

End Function

Sub ConvertSelectedTextToFields()
Call TextToFieldCodes(Selection.Range)
End Sub

Function TextToFieldCodes(rngOrig As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim fld As Field
Dim str As String

Set rng = rngOrig.Duplicate
str = rng.Text
' If there are any braces remaining in the range, except
' for the first and last characters, then there's still
' some pseuodo-fields to process, so collapse range to
' next set of braces and check again
If InStr(Mid(str, 2, Len(str) - 2), "}") <> 0 Or _
InStr(Mid(str, 2, Len(str) - 2), "{") <> 0 Then

' Move the beginning of the range forward
' until it's at a left brace

Do While InStr(Right(str, Len(str) - 1), "{") > 0
rng.MoveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
rng.MoveStartUntil cset:="{"
str = rng.Text

' Move the end of the range backward until it's at a right brace
Do While InStr(Left(str, Len(str) - 1), "}") > 0
rng.MoveEnd unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1
rng.MoveEndUntil cset:="}", Count:=-Len(str)
str = rng.Text

' If either end of the range isn't a brace character,
' there's been an error.
If Left(str, 1) <> "{" Or Right(str, 1) <> "}" Then
End If

' Continue searching for brace characters in this range
' with a recursive call to this function
Call TextToFieldCodes(rng)
' No brace characters were found between
' the first and last characters

' If either end of the range isn't a brace character,
' there's been an error.
If Left(str, 1) <> "{" Or Right(str, 1) <> "}" Then
End If

' Delete the braces on the ends of the range

' Cut the range and paste it in as the code
' of a new empty field, which preserves any
' codes in the range, as well as formatting
Set fld = rng.Fields.Add(Range:=rng, _
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="", _
End If

' As long as there are braces left in the original range,
' keep trying to turn them into fields
Loop While InStr(rngOrig.Text, "}") <> 0 Or _
InStrRev(rngOrig.Text, "{") <> 0

Exit Function
If Left(rng.Text, 1) <> "{" Then
MsgBox "Missing an expected left brace ( { )", vbCritical
ElseIf Right(rng.Text, 1) <> "}" Then
MsgBox "Missing an expected right brace ( } )", vbCritical
MsgBox "An unknown error occurred", vbCritical
End If
End Function

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Hi Ole

Word doesn't have such a facility. You could develop your formula in Excel and, once you've got the expression right, replicate the
structure in Word. Some things, like text testing don't translate very well, and you'd have to limit yourself to the expressions
supported by Word, but at least Excel will help with the editing features you're after.

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