Microsoft Excel for Windows has encountered a problem....



Hi all, hoping someone may be able to assist with the following.

Have a fairly complex workbook with a number of macros and forms in place.

Today, on opening, I have encountered the following error message:

"Microsoft Excel for Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on
might be lost.

Please tell Microsoft about this problem.
We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve
Microsoft Excel for Windows. We will treat this report as confidential and

Nothing has been changed since the last time this was opened ok (I have sole
access at the moment) and the error message appears whether I open
Write/read, Macros Enabled/Disabled.

There's a lot of work in here that will be lost if I can't get back into it,
so I'm HOPING that someone may be able to suggest a method to get back into
it (at least to salvage parts), and also something that might be causing this
problem, so I can avoid in future.

The message does not offer any option to repair, restore to an earlier
version etc. There are only 3 options available:
Debug (opens a C++ Editor if installed)
Send Error Report (which sends, then directs to a MS page stating "sorry,
you're using Office 2000 so you're on your own")
Don't Send (about as much help as sending).

I know it ISN'T:
The size of the workbook (about 1.2MB)
The amount of code (I run workbooks with much,much more...)
The forms (they've been working fine for over a week, and haven't been
The macros (as it does the same thing when they're disabled)

ANY assistance or ideas appreciated, as I've not come across this one
previously, and really would prefer not to have to start again with this

Thanks in advance



looking at Steve Bell's reply to a similar issue below, I can confirm....

Recycle Bin is empty
Temporary Internet Files is empty
no ng messages etc

No custom number formats (all standard options)
Very few formats/fonts throughout (this is a "data table" with very little

No Code Module/Macro names the same
No reserves names used (to my knowledge, and crashes when disabled anyway)
No variables double-declared (nearest we have is a public Dim and a ReDim in
a sub)
No macros with the same name.
Option explicit used as standard

Unfortunately I can't use code cleaner, and I'm relying on memory for
everything that might be in there, as I can't open it to check!

I expect it's probably a corruption, but not sure why, and would obviously
like to avoid this in future if at all possible, so any ideas as to what
would cause that would also be appreciated.


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