Microsoft updates for Office 7?



I'm using a Dell XPX M1530 laptop with Vista 64 bit and have MS Office 2003
installed. It seems to run fine on this system

MS Update has notified me of 7 important updates for MS Office 2007, but I
do not have that version installed.

Am I being asked to installed the 2007 updates because of a commonality
between the two programs? Should I or should I not install them?

I'm afraid of messing up the new pc if I install un update that doesn't apply.


How would I check that?

Certainly my version of Office 2003 wouldn't know about Office 2007 when it
was created. Would the compatibility pack be included in Vista 64?


Bob I

No, the Compatibility pack is gotten from Microsoft downloads and allows
you to open Office 2007 version files

loren let me ask two more questions that hopefully will complete my
understanding -

It seems I might assume that MS saw that I had Ofice 2003, so it already
downloaed the 2007 compatibility pack and therefore these new suggested
downloads are to update THAT? And in that case I should feel comfortable
installing the updates?

Susan Ramlet


You should be able to go to the Windows Control Panel, into Add/Remove
Programs, and see if any Office 2007 components are installed there, as

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