Migrating from Proejct Server 2003 to Microsoft Project Server 200


Ivor Davies

I would like to hear from anyone who has migrated their Project Server 2003
environment to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

I would like to know what issues you experienced when trying to migrate 2003
projects to PS 2007. Did you projects come across cleanly? Did you have any
data issues during the migration.

How did your project historical timesheet information come across - did all
resource time come across okay or did you have some data issues? If so, what
did you do to bring your existing Project Server 2003 projects into 2007?

I look forward to hearing from you regarding your experiences / issues and
what pitfalls / traps you came across during the migration.

Thank You.



Hi Ivor,

I have replied to your previous post. Timesheet information will not come
across from Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2007.


We migrated. I don't know what IT did but the actual projects all migrated
over okay when we upgraded with the exception of one (?!) but then we just
hand did that one.

All the project names were appended with _Published which is a bit confusing
and meant stuff I had that depended on the file name in Access and Excel had
to be updated accordingly, but it wasn't too much bother.

Don't know about timesheets but assume Gordon is correct.

The project centre views etc. were a nightmare - couldn't work out what was
wrong initially but there was a known bug and when we did the SP1 and the
hotfixes it sorted it though none of the filters were copied over so I had to
hand do those (!!!!). Also the order of some of the fields changed and I
think maybe a few were added or not there (am a bit hazy now as it was a
while back) - so lots of double checking going back to the old server and
comparing to the new server.

The My Tasks is another complete and utter nightmare - the users absolutely
hate and detest the new one for updating their hours. I had to create a
custom task field for the Task ID because it's not available as one of the
fields in the My Tasks views. But I couldn't use a formula as it doesn't
roll down to the assignment level if it is a formula. So I have to have a
macro in the Enterprise Global to populate it. Similarly with summary task
names - they're not available in My Tasks so I had to create another custom
field for that as well and populate it using a macro.

When you accept updates the project schedule isn't opened anymore like it
used to. You have to remember to go in afterwards and publish it - very

Getting used to the caching and queing (sp?) takes a bit of getting used to.
Thought my Enterprise Global was corrupted for ages as I couldn't edit
existing macros or use organiser to copy over modules. Clearing the cache
fixed it though don't know why. You have to careful when you checkin a
project and use File, Close rather than simply exiting (File, Exit or the X
in the top right hand corner) - it thinks the checkin is pending. You have
to open the file read only, close it, wait a bit then you can open it
read-write - it seems to kick start the checkin (?! you can tell I don't
really understand what's happening but just finding ways around problems).

Hope this helps - basically the files are okay (with the exception of
timesheets) when you upgrade but getting used to the new 'features' of the
server takes a while. Definitely install SP1 and the latest hotfixes.



Jack Dahlgren

Microsoft just yesterday released what they are calling an "infrastructure
update" which is supposed to contain fixes to the migration problems that
exist. I highly recommend you investigate it prior to doing any migration.

I have some details on it here:


-Jack Dahlgren

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