MOSS 2007: Infopath Form template cannot be removed



Hi all,
We have created an infopath form using infopath beta2, installed it on
moss 2007 beta2 as an administrator form template and that was working

When we upgraded to beta 2 technical refresh of MOSS 2007, if we want
to upload the same form to the administrator form templates, it fails.

It stays in an infinite status of "Installing".

If we then try to remove the form we get the status of "Deleting" and
then we get a message saying that

"A deployment or retraction is already under way for the solution"
<guid>.wsp only 1 deployment or retraction at a time is supported.

and the form is never removed.

We are desperate to get this installed.
We are going to try upgrading the form from infopath beta2 to tech
refresh and then try to upload but the install is taking a long time.

In the meantime, if anyone knows or can give us some pointers we would
really really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance



Just want to share how we solved this:

We think that after the daylight saving here in Sydney Australia, the
timer process got confused (or may be keeping track of its own clock
internally and does not recognize the time change).

We ended up:

1. upload the form via centra admin, manage forms screen (this will
leave the form in the state of initializing)
2. Advance the system clock by 1 hr
3. iisreset
NOTE: Make sure that the server does not set the clock back (via time

and then the form got uploaded via the normal interface.

I hope this helps someone out there are we nearly jumped off the cliff
due to this very obscure issue.

Sergio Otoya
Winapp technology

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