MS Project 2002 Server Collaboration-Publishing


Jeff Lofgren

My company is in the process of upgrading to Project 2002
Enterprise Server. The only documentation that I have
available is my MS Project 2002 Bible and some info
downloaded from the Microsoft web site. In the test
environment I am designatd as the administrator and a
Project Manager. As the project manager I have attempted
to "publish" schedule changes to team memebers. The e-mail
notifications are sent correctly, the work plan indicates
that assignments adds/changes have been published to the
resources, but when they go to their home pages, the
message says that they do not have any changes for them. I
really need some documentation that explains, "In order to
publish assignments to team memebers and request status
updates, you must first set-up..., and here is how you do
this." Where can I find this typ of infomation. I have
tried to use help, but obviously I would first need to
know where to set this up, then I could use help to
explain specific settings.

Gary Chefetz [MVP]


I have a book coming out in a couple of weeks that will help you. Search on
my name at Amazon. An enterprise implementation is no small task, and many
companies find this daunting without some expert assistance.

Jeff Lofgren

My immeadiate problem is that when I click on
Collaborate/Publish in my project plan, MS Project sends
an e-mail notification to the impacted team members as it
should, but does not post the notification on the team
members home page, indicating that they have been assigned
a task or that their taks assignments have changed. Is
your book in specific detail to address this so that I can
determine what I have not done in order to make this


Gary Chefetz [MVP]


Your immediate problem could be due to a fundamental misunderstanding on how
the software is used, or a minor misstep. The biggest mistake people make
with this software is thinking all anyone has to do is pop the CD in the
drive to install and begin using it. The book takes you through a step by
step approach.

Gary Chefetz [MVP]

*** Remember to look for line breaks in links posted to the news group, use
cut and paste for these.

Gary Chefetz [MVP]


Have you seen any errors in the application log on the server? Any spooler
errors? I'd need to know a lot more about what is going on with your system
to hazard a guess as to why your assignment changes aren't going through.
There are a number of reasons for this to occur. Are they not showing up in
the task page as well as the home page? You may be correct that this is a
permission issue. By the way, if you have an enterprise implementation, this
conversation should be in the pro_and_server group.

In order for me to say for certain that my book contains a description of
the specific problem you are experiencing, I'd first have to know what that
problem is. What I can say is that the book unambiguously explains
fundamental Project Server security concepts including how you use groups,
categories, the RBS and permissions to build your security matrix.

Gary Chefetz [MVP]

*** Remember to look for line breaks in links posted to the news group, use
cut and paste for these.

Jeff Lofgren

Thanks for the response.
I am connecting to the server and saving projects on the
server in the enterprise mode. I have manually set the
permissions. I am an Administrator (with all permissions)
a Project Manager, Team Member. I am seup with permission
to publish.

When I go to the Resources page, I see my tasks and the
tasks of the other resource that I published to. However,
My Home Page and Task Page says that I am not assigned to
any tasks.

On the Manage Enterprise Features - Update Resource Tables
and OLAP Cube page, I found a message that says, "The cube
scheduled to be built on 7/4/03 at 12:30 a.m. failed. DSO
has not been setup on the Microsoft Project Server
computer." Is OLAP cube required to publish and receive?

I didn't know that there were multiple News Groups. If
this is going out to the Standard and Server group, then
that is the only one hat I am on.

Thanks again for your help.

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