MS Word misinterpreting WebDAV response


Alex Radice


We have an application that has a WebDAV interface which office applications
(and other applications which understand WebDAV) can use to open and edit

We are having a problem with MS Word (and Excel, haven't tested any other
apps) misinterpreting the responses from the WebDAV. The sequence of events
is as follows:

1) The current version of the document has an ETag of "xxx".
2) Word issues a LOCK request for the document.
3) Word issues a GET request for the document, passing an "If-None-Match"
header with a value of "xxx".
4) As the client already has the document, the server returns 304 (Not
Modified) and no content.
5) The user edits the document and saves it this causes a PUT to the server.
6) After the PUT Word does a PROPFIND against the document and finds that it
now has ETag "yyy".
7) Word is closed and an UNLOCK is issued.
8) Through our application we rollback to the version of the document that
has ETag "xxx".
9) A user attempts to reopen the document from the WebDAV using Word. Word
issues a LOCK, then a GET passing an "If-None-Match" header with a value of
10) The server returns 304 as the rollback that "xxx" is still the current
version, but Word displays the EDITED version, the one that was saved and
given an ETag of "yyy".

We are a bit stuck as we can't see what's going on in Word. It is a bit of
a mystery why Word is asking for "xxx" when the latest version is "yyy" as
far as it is concerned. Even so this should work correctly. But it

Apologies for cross-posting, I wasn't sure which newsgroup this fell under.


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