multiple data series in an x-y scatter chart - Excel 2003


Excel 2003

I have three data series plotted on an x-y chart. Two of the series have
lines connecting the data points, and one does not.

I want to make it so that the two lined series appear on top of the series
without lines.

In every other software program in the universe, there is a "send to back"
and a "bring to front" option under the ordering of objects which is the
command I need...and Excel has this as well but only for objects in the
chart, not for the data series.

I've looked everywhere, and there MUST be a way to accomplish this, but I
can't find it.

PS - I've tried modifying the order of the series, but that doesn't change
which one appears on top of the others, and for some reason Excel has decided
to put the series that I don't want on top - on top.



Changing the order of the series works fine here.
Right click on a data point and go to Format Data Series
On the Series Order Tab put the series you want to bring
to the front on the top of the stack with the move up and move
down buttons.

I use 2000 so there may be a slight difference in 2003 but I think
the basics should be the same.



Sorry I was confusing my fronts and tops. That should read
On the Series Order Tab put the series you want to bring
to the front on the BOTTOM of the stack with the move up and move
down buttons.


Del Cotter

I have three data series plotted on an x-y chart.
I want to make it so that the two lined series appear on top of the series
without lines.
I've tried modifying the order of the series, but that doesn't change
which one appears on top of the others

Have you put any of the series on a secondary axis? It's much harder to
change order if you do that, and you may have to switch the axes round.

Also, you'll never get lines on top of markers, only markers on top each
other. All lines are underneath all markers.

Andy Pope

Hi Del,

You could plot a series, line only, on the secondary axis. Then the line
would appear above line+Marker.


Del Cotter

You could plot a series, line only, on the secondary axis. Then the
line would appear above line+Marker.

Even as I wrote that, I wondered if I ought to fire up Excel and check
that was true between axis layers as well as within! Oh well, this is
another way of learning...

My wishlist for future Excel involves a more explicit support for
layers; more than two, and an option to switch them easily instead of
breaking down the chart design and starting again.

Excel 2003

Thanks for the replies;

When I wrote the original message, all three series were plotted on the
primary axis. I tried changing the series order again, but it didn't work -
and I can tell that it is because the lines are being covered by the markers.

(The series that I want on the bottom is just markers with no lines, and it
is a HUGE data set, really more of an array of performance data points, and
it blocks out huge portions of the chart. That's why this issue was so
annoying, all the markers were almost completely blocking out the lines of
the other two series).

I tried plotting the two lined series on the secondary axis and that worked
perfect! Good enough at least for this chart.

Hopefully future Excel version will improve the layer options as you have

Thanks for the responses!

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