Multiple TOC in academic document (one per chapter)



Dear community,

how do I get a whole TOC at the beginning and one Mini-TOC per chapter.
(LaTeX offers the command \minitoc. Does Word have something similar?) I
would like to see all relevant headings from one chapter in this Mini-TOC.

Also, I would like to use automatic numbering of headings (multilevel list),
but exclude the Appendicies. If I delete this manual, it does change all the
headings which should have a number.

Many thanks.

PamC via

Select the whole chapter, bookmark it, and name the bookmark. Place the
cursor where you want the miniTOC to be and generate a TOC. Say no when Word
asks whether it should replace one already in the document. The result will
be the whole TOC. Now, select the TOC, right click, and select toggle field
codes. The result may look like something this:
{ TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u }

---You could get to this quicker by copying the main TOC field or one from
another document. But if you've only copied the plain text (instead of the
whole field), you must insert the field braces by pressing ctrl +F9.---

Next type \b bookmarkName before the closing field brace. Update the filed
to see what your miniTOC looks like.
After this you can paste the miniTOC field code into each chapter and change
the bookmark name appropriately.

See also


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