My addin kills Word


David Thielen


I recently had to change my system to a domain login and in the course of
that my profile got screwed up (mostly lost).

Now when I go to run my add-in from Visual Studio, I go to Tools, Com
Add-ins, select it, and click OK. Word then immediately exits. It does not
drop in to the debugger. It does not give any messages - it's just gone and
the debugger output shows nothing. The debugger is aware that the program has

I set the debugger to break if any exception of any type is thrown - even if
it is caught. I also put breakpoints at the start of every method I have in
my IDTExtensibility2 class. It does not break in to the debugger.


David Thielen

Possible bigger issues. I also loaded VS 2005 & .net 2.0 on my system. Will
this screw things up?

Peter Huang [MSFT]


Are you using the Debug version or Release version of Addin, did you have
the symbol files?
Also I think if you have symbols file you may try to run the Word first and
then attach the VS.NET IDE onto the Winword.exe process and check the
unmanaged and managed debugging.
And then enable the Addin to see if that will catch the exception.

319037 HOW TO: Use a Symbol Server with the Visual Studio .NET Debugger

Also if you have profile issue, I think you may try to delete the domian
account from your computer and then recreate it, and then logon the pc to
see if that works.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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David Thielen


I am running the debug version with symbols. I am running under VS 2003 & 1.1. (I think it's .net 1.1 - I don't know what VS 2005 did when it

I tried attaching after Word started - same result.

I can't delete the domain account - that would eat up half a day.

Any other possibilities? Does VS 2003/.net 1.1 co-exist ok with VS 2005/.net

Peter Huang [MSFT]

Hi Dave,

Yes, we can install VS.NET 2003 together with VS.NET 2005.(BTW since so far
2005 is still in beta period, its behavior may differ)
1. It is possible that the word will load .NET 2.0 as the runtime, you may
try to set <supportedRuntime> Element in the app.config(you may specifed
winword.exe.config and put it in the winword.exe directory)

2. It is also possible that the crash occurred between you check the Addin
in the Addin manager but before the winword call OnConnection in your
addin, so your breakpoint in your addin code did not hit.

3. Please confirm if you have check the unmanaged debugging when you try to
attach to the winword.exe process before it is crash.

4. Please enable all the first chance exception including C++/Win32 ... to
see if that helps to catch the exception. So far we did not know what had
happened, I just guess, because in COM(word is a COM) world, we use HRESULT
but not exception, so that may did not have exception.

If all the above still did not work, you may try to use ADPlus to create a
crash dump and contact MSPSS for detailed troubleshooting.

286350 How to use ADPlus to troubleshoot "hangs" and "crashes"

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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David Thielen

Here is the problem. I have a IDTExtensibility2 Word Add-In written in C# (no
J#) that is built to run under .net 1.1. It runs fine under .net 1.1.

When I installed .net 2.0, it would not run. I set the debugger to break on
any exception of any kind even if handled – no break. I set breakpoints on
every IDTExtensibility2 declared method (the forst code in my add-in that
would be called) – never hit. When I select my add-in from Tools, COM Add-Ins
– word exits. No message, no nothing – just exits.

Also, while I have a shim for security/signing – I set the Add-In to be the
C# code, the shim was never called.

So I added a windword.exe.config to set the required & supported runtime to 1.1. And it runs fine. So if it is forced to 1.1, no problem.

However, in the case of an Add-In, this is a major problem. The runtime is
set for word, not for my add-in. So if a user has one add-in that requires 2.0, and my add-in – there is no way they can run both. This 1.1/2.0
incompatibility seems to be pretty widespread based on a google search. So I
think this problem will impact a large number of people.

In my opinion, you have to fix this before releasing .net 2.0. Or provide a
way that the config can be set individually for each Add-In. Because
otherwise you are going to force a lot of users to have to pick which Add-In
is more important. And that is not good for any of us.

Thanks – dave

Peter Huang [MSFT]


I have received your email, and thanks for your feedback.
I think our dev team will aware of that.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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