Need help showing only duplicate items in report



I have a report that list various files that are being worked.

OM Number ProjectNumber
12345 43060
11044 43115
12020 43287
12345 43200

How can I show only the duplicate OM Number entries (in this case OM Number
12345 is duplicated)?

Associated with this report, I have a query with a field titled OMNumber.
When I designate the criteria for this field as >1, the report does not
change. I believe this is only showing any number greater than 1 (which in
this case is every entry in this field). Is there another way to use Criteria
to show me only duplicate OM Numbers?
Or is there any other way to only show the duplicate OM Numbers in my report?

Allen Browne

1. Create a query into this table.

2. Depress the Total icon on the toolbar (upper Sigma icon).
Access adds a Total row to the grid.

3. Drag OM Number into the grid.
Accept Group By in the Total row under this field.

4. Drag your primary key field into the grid.
In the Total row, choose Count
In the Criteria row, enter: > 1

5. Save the query.

That query just lists the OM Numbers that are duplicated.

If you wish to see all of the records:

6. Create another query, using the first query as an input "table" along
with your table.

7. Drag OM Number from the query onto OM Number in the table. (Access may
give you this join line automatically).

8. Use this query as the RecordSource for your report.

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