Need help understanding styles


Greg In Atl

When I have the Styles and Formatting window active and set to Reveal
Formatting, when I place my cursor on different paragraphs, the S & F window
says they have the same paragraph style, but the have different left and
hanging indents (also different tab settings). How can this be? I thought
every paragraph that had the same paragraph style would have the same indent
and tab settings. Maybe I misunderstand how styles work.

I want to get my document so that every paragraph that has the same style
has the same indent and tab settings

Greg In Atl

Thanks for the info.

One more thing maybe you can answer:

I noticed that when I highlight a paragraph and then click new style on the
styles and formatting pane, it creates the new style but does not change the
text that it was created from to that style. Is there a way to do this? I
have to find the new style and apply it to the text it was just created from.

Klaus Linke

Hi Greg,

You should be able to just type the new name into the Styles control (combo
box on the Formatting toolbar).
In Word 2007, it's not in the user interface by default, but it makes a lot
of sense to add the control to the QAT.

This "styles by example" mechanism works only for paragraph styles, though


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