Need help with Macro



I am having trouble executing a macro. I get the following error:
COMPILE ERROR: Sub or Function not defined
(Location of error noted below in 2nd macro.)

Can someone tell me what I need to do? Below are two macros I am using with
explanation of what I am trying to do.

'The user will click a commandbutton to begin process.
Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()
Dim TextBox1 As Double 'accepts date mm/dd/yy
Dim TextBox2, TextBox3 As Double 'accepts time hh:mm
End Sub
This macro shown below is executed when user clicks ENTER button on userform.
NOTE: Time entered is based on 24-hr time.
User enters Date Worked (textbox1), Time-In (textbox2), and
Spreadsheet has the date of every Monday (beginning of week) in cells B125 -
B176. Columns C-G (for rows 125-176) are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri.

The purpose of below macro is:
1) Calculate time in hours based on time in/out:
Example: In = 8:00 Out = 17:23 (entered by user)
ttltime1=out-in (9:23)
ttltime2 = HOUR(ttltime1)+(MINUTE(ttltime1)/60) (9.38

2) Determine correct cell to place ttltime2 in, ie what day worked that
particular week. Based on description of layout above, I want to compare the
date entered (datework) against each date in B125:B176. When I find the
first occurance of
datework being < date in spreadsheet (B125:B176), then I know I need to
backup one row and then offset appropriately to place ttltime2 in correct

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Single
Dim ttltime1, ttltime2 As Double
ttltime1 = TextBox2 - TextBox1
ttltime2 = Hour(ttltime1) + (Minute(ttltime1) / 60)
For i = 125 To 176
If TextBox1 < .Cell(i, 2).Value Then <<<< POINT OF ERROR = Cell
' next line figures offset and places ttltime2 in correct cell
.Cell(i-1, (TextBox1 - .Cell(i, 2).Value) + 3).Value = ttltime2
i = 176
End If
End Sub

I really appreciate your help with this!!!

Charles Chickering

Les, I'm not seeing a parent reference to qualify the ".Cell" object. Looks
like you forgot a "With" statement:

With Worksheets("Sheet1")
For whatever to blah
If something < .Cell
End If
End With

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