Need quick primer on charts in XL2007, please?


Ed from AZ

I'm trying to re-create a chart I had in XL2003, but in XL2007 the
dialog boxes have changed just a bit and I'm lost!

I have four trailers that accumulate miles, and I need to chart the
number of failures for tires and shocks on both the left and right
side of each trailer. So I have named ranges: Miles_A, _B, _C, and
_D, LTires_A etc, RTires_A etc, LShocks_A etc and RShocks_A etc. I
want Miles across the bottom, and the number of failures per item on
the vertical axis.

Insert >> Chart >> Line >> Stacked with Markers
Select Data >> Sheet1!LTires_A

and from there I am lost!! I can't get the horizontal axis to format
because I can't find the options to set the Min, Max, and Interval. I
can't make XL2007 understand that I want the miles for all shown
across the bottom.

I miss the old Chart Wizard where I could define the X and the Y for
each data series in one swoop!! How can I make this happen in XL2007?


Ed from AZ

Okay - that chart type helped. I also saw that if I use the Add
button, I can put in both the X and the Y at the same time.

Why do they fix things that aren't broke??!?


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