one note sync with Windows 6 device



I've had a Win 6 smartphone for about one week and I've got most everything
working EXCEPT I can't get my OneNotes files from PC to upload/sync with the
phone. They sync fine from the phone to the PC. I've put the file I wanted
to play with in the Mobile folder in OneNote. I've also tried putting the
file in my file folder section of phone. When it is there is can't be
associated with the One Note program and there's no menu option to allow me
to Open under OneNote Mobile.

I've tried everything I can think of...any ideas?


John Guin

It sounds like you are moving a .ONE file around on the PC, and trying to
copy it to the device. If so, that's not supported. Only the pages in the
Mobile folder on the PC sync back and forth.

Does it work if you manually copy the pages to the Mobile folder within
OneNote on the PC?



No, sadly, it doesn't work when I do that. That's what I thought the program
expected but it didn't sync with the smartphone. That's why I tried the more
laborious task of putting it in a file folder on my memory card.

I've tried doing the Sync from within the Onenotes program on my PC and from
the Active Sync. I have managed to sync events and contacts and like I said,
I can get OneNote files back from the phone to the PC. I feel pretty sure
that it should work and I'm just missing something but I don't know what.

Thanks for helping,




Sorry for this choppy response but I read your answer again and it made me
wonder if there is some other "Mobile" folder besides the one within the
OneNote program??? If so, I haven't figured that out yet. I just put the
page I was trying to sync in the Mobile folder of the OneNote program.


Erik Sojka (MVP)

Do you both mean the "OneNote Mobile" notebook?

Is there any status displayed in ActiveSync when you try to sync the


OK, well I've made great progress but still have a few little
questions/issues. Erik, I did mean OneNote Mobile notebook. I had made two
folders within that section and it only seems to work with one of the sub
folders so I just moved the files to that place and everything works fine.

By works fine, I mean that I have now exchanged/synced files in both
directions. I still haven't ever been able to sync from the File menu in
OneNote because those sync options are always grayed out....don't know why.

But I do sync from Active Sync. So the only real remaining problem is that
on each sync action, I get another copy of one of the files....actually I've
now gotten at least 7 spare copies on my phone of two pages. They get named
as July trip, July trip 001, July trip 002, etc.

Any idea what's causing this? I'm not making any changes in the repeated
Thanks to everyone for the help. I really do like my OneNote Mobile feature.


OK, I am going to jump in here with Bobbi. I am having the same issue. I
have a Treo 700 WX and I can get the notes on the phone to synch up to the
PC, but the pages created on the PC, in the same section of the folder are
not synching to the phone.


Same here. ON2007 on PC will not copy notes created on PC to PPC (Verizon
XV6700, WM5). It works fine from the phone to the "OneNote Mobile" folder
but nothing created in the "ON Mobile" folder on the PC copies to the phone.

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