Onenote 2007 Search



So OneNote is triggering the indexing for its content and that can't
happen when OneNote is closed.

To me, this is a revelation. But please define 'closed.' Is ON 'closed'
for indexing purposes when its icon displays in the tray?

Stephen R. Diamond

Patrick Schmid

Yes it is. The icon in the tray is not onenote.exe, but onenotem.exe.
It's a separate application. You need to have the actual OneNote
(onenote.exe) running for indexing to work.

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Patrick Schmid shared these words of wisdom:
No clue what you were trying to say.

AFAICS because of not having the previous discussion within sight

What I was *trying* to say (in the light of bluespapa's complaint on
having indexed 50,851 files <!!> and the time needed for that):
Why have the indexing service be run on tons of stuff?
Why not restrict indexing to OL and ON data where it is of use

And base on this the suggestion to deselect everything in the Indexing
Options applet except the directories for ON and OL.

This may have be based on wrong assumptions
Just to make clear, WDS3 does currently NOT index .one files. It
indexes the OneNote storage directly when OneNote is open. It
does not actually index the files.

Thanks for clarifying.
Let me ask back (in order get a better understanding on how things

1.)What's the difference between .one files and "storage"?

2.) Is this relevant for everything in ON or has it only to do with
building "words" from images by the OCR engine and including them in
the index-files?

3.) Is - at present (as long as WDS 3 is only partially functional) -
any benefit from letting Indexing services be run on anything not
related to ON and OL?

3.) Does it make any difference for ON and OL if one unselects
*everything* in the Indexing Options applet?
Will indexing for ON and OL be run regardless from these settings?


Patrick Schmid

What I was *trying* to say (in the light of bluespapa's complaint on
having indexed 50,851 files <!!> and the time needed for that):
Why have the indexing service be run on tons of stuff?
Why not restrict indexing to OL and ON data where it is of use
The post saying files wasn't correct. It's actually labeled items. To
give you a comparison: My desktop has 90,057 items indexed (ON+OL), my
tablet has 366,237 items (ON+OL). All the 15+ MS newsgroups I subscribe
to are fully downloaded into OL on my tablet, hence the rather big
number there.
There really is no point in stretching indexing to include any files as
you don't have any UI for searching those anyhow. In addition, I would
be surprised if the code for searching files is actually included in the
current WDS 3 build.
Funny enough, I could swear that my WDS 3 had only three entries: 2 for
ON and 1 for OL. When I looked today, it also had two folders: Documents
and Settings and Start Menu. No clue where they are coming from, but I
am not going to mess with my WDS 3 settings as it is working here.
1.)What's the difference between .one files and "storage"?
Notice that ON is included in the indexing options with a URI that
starts with "oneindex://" and Outlook with "mapi://". If WDS were
searching the actual .one files, you'd instead see the folder names for
the notebooks there. What is happening though is that WDS is accessing
the notebooks via ON, via some protocol. So ON handles all the issues of
providing the actual notebooks. Basically, this search is not on a
file-level, but it just is an replacement for the built-in ON search.
Think about the following: Why can you search a notebook that is offline
identically to a notebook that is online? In neither case, WDS is
directly accessing the .one files. In both cases, ON is handling all the
IO and is simply sending whatever information WDS needs for indexing to
2.) Is this relevant for everything in ON or has it only to do with
building "words" from images by the OCR engine and including them in
the index-files? Everything.

3.) Is - at present (as long as WDS 3 is only partially functional) -
any benefit from letting Indexing services be run on anything not
related to ON and OL?
No. You have simply no UI to get to anything else. However, if your
search is working, I wouldn't alter a single setting at this point as
WDS3 seems to be rather fragile.
3.) Does it make any difference for ON and OL if one unselects
*everything* in the Indexing Options applet?
Will indexing for ON and OL be run regardless from these settings?
If you remove the entries for ON and OL in the Indexing Options, it will
no longer search ON and OL.

Patrick Schmid


Just to make clear, WDS3 does currently NOT index .one files. It indexes
the OneNote storage directly when OneNote is open. It does not actually
index the files.

This is apparently new information, at least with respect to this forum. I
remember asking the question about why WDS 3 beta distinguishes OneNote
files from My Documents, which subsumes it. The answer answer would have
been clear, had the above been known: The OneNote "files," merely virtual,
are distinguished because they aren't really files.

Or was I the only person who religiously *closed* ON 2007, so WDS could
index without competing processes interfering.

Stephen R. Diamond

Patrick Schmid

I guess a better description would be that WDS is the built-in instant
search functionality of OneNote. Microsoft decided that it doesn't make
any sense to develop more than one search engine and Office 2007
therefore simply uses WDS as its engine. To give you a bit of history:
In earlier beta versions, Outlook 2007 had its own built-in search
engine to enable instant search. It was quite buggy (I'd say almost
worse than WDS 3). Then Microsoft decided there really is no point to
have the Office division write its own search engine and have the people
responsible for WDS do the same. In light of WDS being a system
component of Vista, the Office division decided to go with the WDS
search technology then.

In its current form, you can picture WDS being nothing else than a bunch
of components that are loaded by ON & OL to index their respective
stores. Indexing only happens with OneNote or respectively Outlook open.
For OneNote that means the full program (process onenote.exe) needs to
be open, not just the tray icon (process onenotem.exe).

In the future, WDS 3 will receive an actual user interface. MS released
the current form of WDS 3 this early so that users of Office 2007 Beta 2
would have instant search. I have been told that the WDS UI will be able
to also search OneNote content. That means, you can search for a term
and if it appears in one of your notebooks, WDS's UI will tell you so. I
don't know if that capability is based on WDS indexing the OneNote
storage or actual .one files. Nor do I know how the WDS UI will show
search results of OneNote or how it will allow you to open the
respective notebook in OneNote. For that, we'll just have to wait and
see what we'll get.

Patrick Schmid


So if what you are saying is true then:

1. I should leave OneNote open overnight for Indexing
- this includes when I have added a lot of information or just once at
the beginning to kick-start WDS?

2. I should leave all notebooks open, not just the ones I am working on at
the time.

3. If a notebook isn't open it isn't indexed?

This leads me to the following questions.

A. Will the index only be built on what is open? OneNote and Notebook
- or will it index any open or closed notebook as long as OneNote is open

B. How often will it update?

C. Some days I load in a lot of Research so I may have a lot of changes in
my Notebooks.
If I close notebooks that I am not changing, will the Index drop them when
it updates?

D. I left only five notebooks open overnight and the search works perfectly
for them, but it seems that when I open others, they are not indexed.
- The Index went from 14,000+ indexed to only 2,987 and is in progress.
F. I read where Indexing will not work while you are busy, so you must leave
the computer idle to get the full index. Is this so?

That's what I can think of for now.

Basically, maybe this needs to be upgrades to a FAQ with full info on how
WDS works and how to work with WDS so it can do what it's made to do. also
including some tips and tricks from those who are getting it to work.


Patrick Schmid

1. at least for kick-starting. If you are concerned about indexing, just
leave it open.
2. yes
3. yes
A. Only open notebooks
B. whenever you are idle. Can't give you any interval
C. it should drop closed ones
D. leave them all open over night
F. just leave your computer running over night with ON open if you made
big changes.

Patrick Schmid


Thanks Patrick, you are a life-saver. May you live long and prosper. :0D

My poor little brain is just beginning to digest this "dark-matter theory"
of WDS. Still some indigestion and things to get straight.

Okay, so to keep a good index of everything:

1. I leave all notebooks open all the time
- my present cache .one OneNoteOfflineCache.onecache is 884,220 KB and
climbing. Somewhere here I read something about 4GB maybe causing trouble. Is
there a problem.

How is the .onecache held?
In Ram or in paging file (Virtual Memory)?

If in Virtual memory, then what should I set paging file size to. I already
have it set to Industry standards. 3 GB for 2 GB RAM.

2. Why does indexing drop closed Notebooks? It seems anti-intuitive to lose
the index on closed notebooks when I need to search all notebooks. If I close
a notebook to free up my computer, then it's a pain to rebuild the index when
I open it again.

3. If I get the index the way I want, then I can close OneNote while I work
on other things.
The index will not index and will remain valid? OR
The index will try to rebuild when I open OneNote again?

4. If I close OneNote in the middle of Indexing, will I lose the Index?

5. I do a lot of speech recognition of notes, research and dictation into
MSWord 2007 so I like to keep things closed for that period of time I need to
focus on speech recog. So for this, I can close OneNote without losing the

The old desktop search would even index the contents of closed files. Why
isn't WDS doing that? Or maybe I'm missing something here ???? :0(

Hope these are not bothersome questions, but I am trying to set up a
Standard Operating Procedure to get on with things.



I'm zero for nine. I've tried having OneNote open when I reinstall WDS, I've
tried having it completely closed out (via the taskmanager to get it out of
the start tray operations), I've tried altering things while it's indexing
and opening and closing OneNote repeatedly to see if that would get WDS's
attention, so to speak. It just doesn't know it's there. Going on ten right

A strange thing I don't understand is that WDS will give a number of files
it has indexed, and even if I'm doing nothing, it will, after it has said it
is totally up to date, start decreasing that number slowly. I don't
understand how it could unindex files when nothing is going on.

If you can think of any sort of setting I should double check, in Windows,
in ON or on WDS, I'd appreciate it.

Almost every time WDS has indexed Outlook, but not every time, and in no
case ON. What I can't figure out is if it ever did. I can't remember if I
did any searches at all when I got this, or if I'm remembering doing them on

Thaniks Patrick.

Patrick Schmid

Make your life simple :)
Just open all your notebooks, let ON open once over night and stop
worrying :)

1. 4 GB was an issue in earlier betas, it shouldn't be a problem
The ON cache is a file on your hard drive (\Documents and
Settings\username\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\OneNote\12.0). ON itself is pretty nice with RAM and VM
consumption, WDS 3 isn't.

2. Yup it's a pain. That's why you need to keep them open :) The point
is that when you close a notebook, they are removed from the ON cache.
Anything that is not in the cache, will not be searched.

3 & 4. You can close ON whenever you want. All it will do is stop
indexing until you open it again. It won't remove anything from the
index. ON is designed to be closed & opened a lot.

5. Yep. ON is not like other programs. Closing it is really no problem
at all.

The issue is that WDS 3 is NOT an actual desktop search. Picture it more
like just a piece of search technology that OneNote uses. WDS3 doesn't
actually index your files, but rather provides indexing capability to
ON. Microsoft could have written an instant search capability into ON
directly, and if it had done that, there would be no problem to
understand that it only indexes while ON is open. You also wouldn't
worry about losing your index or any of that and it would be pretty
clear that it can only index while ON is running. In this case, they are
only using the WDS3 technology to provide a built-in instant search.

Patrick Schmid

Patrick Schmid

It doesn't show you a number of files, but a number of items. An Outlook
email is an item.

I really don't know how to make WDS 3 work reliably. It either seems to
work for someone, or it doesn't.

To install, close OneNote, install WDS 3, reboot, open ON and leave it
open over night. If that doesn't work, then you are prob. out of luck.


Patrick Schmid


Now I think I see the light!

Then the culprit is OneNote. It tells WDS what to look at.

If it ain't open, then it don't exist as far as OneNote is concerned.
So WDS is only doing what OneNote tells it? If it ain't in the belly of the
beast at the time of inventory, then fergit it!

So I don't close any notebooks, just leave them open and close
OneNote when I don't need it around. That leaves my index in good shape.

I noticed, that when I opened all my notebooks this AM after getting your
answer and left it alone while I did some dictation with speech recognition,
index miraculously rebuilt itself without waiting overnight. Then my search
worked for a while.

But after some intense research and dumping things into my notebooks, it is
back to "OneNote found 0 matches for ***** in all notebooks. Looks like it is
slow to update and drops what it already had. Doesn't seem to keep the old
index if I do a lot of entry. Otherwise, even if it were updating, it would
still be able to search old entries.(i.e. work not done today)

Is it the way it is supposed to work or am I experiencing some bug?

Also, can I tell it only to index pertinent files? It has a long list of
file types that aren't even on my computer or at least involved with OneNote.
This might speed up the indexing considerably. I have already limited the
folders it is to Index.

Of course, if the file types aren't there then that may have no relevance to
reality or time at all. So maybe we let that line of thought drop of it's own

I guess I'm getting loopy, loopy, loopy from all the hoops that WDS/OneNote
is keeping me jumping through. Where is Jimmy when you need a brainblast?

Maybe I need some Time Out!


Rainald Taesler

CRdd shared these words of wisdom:
5. I do a lot of speech recognition of notes, research and
dictation into MSWord 2007 so I like to keep things closed for
that period of time I need to focus on speech recog.

Wouldn't be indicated to a add larger quantity of RAM in this case and
leave other applications open?


Patrick Schmid

Then the culprit is OneNote. It tells WDS what to look at.
If it ain't open, then it don't exist as far as OneNote is concerned.
So WDS is only doing what OneNote tells it? If it ain't in the belly of the
beast at the time of inventory, then fergit it!

Someone from the ON team just wrote this to me: search == broken in
I think that summarizes best the experience in B2. As I said before, if
you are lucky, it might work for you.

Patrick Schmid


Patrick Schmid said:
Someone from the ON team just wrote this to me: search == broken in
I think that summarizes best the experience in B2. As I said before, if
you are lucky, it might work for you.

That's about what I figured. I seem to be somewhat lucky, some of the time.

But nooooo big thing. I am basically in the dump stage of bringing all my
research from various locations into one place.

I like OneNote very much as an interface to my collections. I don't expect
to use it as the be-all end-all of info management. Just a handy place to
hold things until I know what exactly I want to do with it.

Of course if they fix the search, it can come pretty close to doing a lot of
info management for me. To me OneNote is for collection and storage. Other
programs are more for massaging things for final output.

I also use Mind-Manager to play with ideas and move things around and am
considering Literary Machine Pro for creating a note-card system for
compilation and pre-publishing. Maybe should start a new thread for this. ;o)

The search will be a good feature when fixed, but I am setting things up so
things are fairly easy to find without a search. Just Creating specific
notebooks with simple file structures (not going too deep) If things get too
deep then I just create another Notebook and simplify, simplify, simplify -
the same that I've been doing for years in Windows.

I see OneNote as a kind of Windows Explorer on Steroids. Only now the filing
cabinet metaphor is drilling down to a notebook metaphor.

Now I remember reading elsewhere that you can turn off WDS and still have
search function in OneNote 2007. Is that true? Can I do this until WDS is
It would be nice to just search, I don't need it to be instant now.

I also read that if I turn it off, I will not be able to index Note Flags.
Is that true?
If so, that is a bummer :eek:(

How to do and the repercussions?

Thanks so much for your prompt replies. You are a great help :eek:D



Wouldn't be indicated to a add larger quantity of RAM in this case and
leave other applications open?

Read previous post 7/28/06 1:44 PM PST
quoted here:

"I noticed, that when I opened all my notebooks this AM after getting your
answer and left it alone while I did some dictation with speech recognition,
index miraculously rebuilt itself without waiting overnight. Then my search
worked for a while."

The old system before rebuild had lots of programs installed (demos) that I
had tried out in order to find programs to help me do my work. So there were
some systems loading and taking up precious space and when I added Office
2007 Keraash! So I tried only opening what was really necessary and that
seemed to work somewhat.

Also had installed Office 2007 on a system that hadn't really been clean
installed for about 2 years. So 2 weeks ago, I completely rebuilt the system
and created new ghosts. Then after the clean install of the system and
necessary programs, I reinstalled Office 2007.

Was having problems on the "dirty system", but now Office 2007 seems to be
working much better.

Only just upgraded to 2GB RAM from 1.3 GB last week so old habits do die
Was doing business as usual and keeping things closed until Patrick said to
leave things open. So tried dictation with OneNote open and even WDS was able
to upgrade in the background.

The 2 GB RAM seems to do the trick. You would have thought 1.3 GB was
enough, but when I look at the performance tab in Task Manager, Peak Commit
Charge is easily hitting 1317009 when something like Norton AntiV hits the

Seems to get the best out of everything requires some tweaking of the
system. Might be another idea for a new thread. Subject: What tweaks have you
done to improve system performance for OneNote?


Rainald Taesler

CRdd shared these words of wisdom:

Glad to hera that the bigger RAM solved the problems.
Seems to get the best out of everything requires some tweaking
of the system. Might be another idea for a new thread. Subject:
What tweaks have you done to improve system performance for

Why not?
Just do so ;-)


Patrick Schmid

To switch off WDS (after uninstalling it):

Set these regkeys:
= 0
= 0

Note flags summaries prob. won't work without WDS. Search just is broken
in B2

Patrick Schmid


I lost count after fifteen rebuilds of the WDS index, uninstalling WDS
rebooting and reinstall, uninstalling ON, rebooting, uninstalling Office beta
2007, rebooting reinstalling, etc., and after two weeks of this, it finally

I wish I knew what I did this last time to make WDS notice I was running ON,
but it's been continually rebuilding day and night for the last two weeks.
Obviously having it work is a huge boon to using the program and its
integration with OL. If anyone can think of anyway to expedite that process,
it might save someone the amount of time I just spent doing this.

Thanks, Patrick. If you've got a buddy over working on WDS, wring his neck.
I about lost my mind coming up with empty searches after hour upon hour of

But, hey, folks, Patrick is right. Keep trying.

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