Open Linkin New Window??



I have put a hyperlink inside a PowerPoint presentation
and it leads to an outside web site. When I click it, it
opens in the same window. Is there any way to make it
open to a new window?


Steve Rindsberg

I have put a hyperlink inside a PowerPoint presentation
and it leads to an outside web site. When I click it, it
opens in the same window. Is there any way to make it
open to a new window?

This would be in HTML made from PowerPoint?

I don't think there's any way to control this short of manually editing the
"outside" links to look more like:

<a href="" target="_new">Click me to see
a new window</a>

With luck, your web browser or newsreader won't totally mess that up.

Or use our commercial addin, PPT2HTML, which allows you to open all outside
links in a single external window or in a new window for each link. Demo at

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