Opening/Importing a csv file in Excel v.X




I cant open a csv file in Excel. I have tried File Open, and Import
TextFfile. The file is always dimmed. I also tried Get Info/Open with,
and the Excel option is dimmed.

I'm using Excel SR1 and OS X 10.2.8

any ideas anyone?


Jan Leijenhorst

In the File selector box the topmost menu:
Show: All Readable Documents



Hi Jan,

Have tried that - the file is dimmed. The file is defiantely ok, PC Excel
users have no problem opening the file.


Jan Leijenhorst

Ok, dimmed or not try to select and open.
I just tested with a image.jpg show dimmed, even with
Show: All Documents
But just selct and it opens and let you choose the delimiters and so on.
So, just (try to) open, dimmed or not


J. P. Sheehan


Add the suffix ".xls" to the comma delimited file and Excel will recognize
and open same. I had the same problem just this AM.


Jay Donnell

J. P. Sheehan said:

Add the suffix ".xls" to the comma delimited file and Excel will recognize
and open same. I had the same problem just this AM.


I was having the same problem opening .csv files with Office X. If I
change the extension to .xls it pops up the wizard and asks me to
select the delimiter and other things. However, if there is a newline
one of the fields it will cause excel to treat the newline as another
row. This is resolved on windows by opening the file with .csv as the
extension and bypassing the wizard. How can I do this on the mac if it
doesn't allow me to open a .csv file.


Corentin Cras-Méneur [MVP]

Jay Donnell said:
I was having the same problem opening .csv files with Office X. If I
change the extension to .xls it pops up the wizard and asks me to
select the delimiter and other things. However, if there is a newline
one of the fields it will cause excel to treat the newline as another
row. This is resolved on windows by opening the file with .csv as the
extension and bypassing the wizard. How can I do this on the mac if it
doesn't allow me to open a .csv file.

The way I usually do it is that I open the file in a text editor (BBEdit
in my case) and simply replace commas with tabs. It's a bit silly not to
be able to do it directly, but at least, like that it works.


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