Org chart import other characteristics?



I would like to import data from Excel (or txt file, etc) that will generate
an org chart. I have Visio 2000 and have 4 custom fields that I wanted
entered. But when I run the Wizard, only the Name, Phone are displayed.

How do i get the custom fields to dispaly?

Al Edlund

Unfortunately the orgchart wizard is a closed piece of code and you're
limited to what it supports.You might consider renaming your fields to what
the wizard looks for, or possibly write your own.

John Marshall, MVP

The Orgchart wizard has changed since Visio 2000 and it is possible to
import various custom properties into an orgchart shape. The information in
the custom properties does not have to be displayed. I use this feature to
create alternate types reporting lines. A custom property in each shape
defines the line reporting to his superior. Some VBA code uses that
information to change the line format for the line connected to that shape.
Since the information is stored as a custom property, it will survive
exporting the file to a new spreadsheet.

John... Visio MVP

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