Outlook 2001 - Meeting Requests Fail To Appear In The InBox...



Situation :

Mac/Windows Environment with a Win2K Server backend hosting Exchange.
Currently running about 20 or so Mac Outlook 2001 Clients(non-beta)
with OS 9.2.2. All can receive meeting requests from either client
platform - Windows or Mac with no problem and accept them. However, I
have one Mac user who when he receives a meeting request gets the
"beep" and a mail icon "flash" however nothing shows up in the inbox
at all. On the Exchage side it shows this user receiving the meeting
request and all seems normal. The exchange admin is also telling me
the users InBox item count has increased, however I do not see the
number of items increase on the client side when a meeting request is
sent to it. All regular mail related delivery is fine and the general
mail settings for this Mac Client are pretty much "out of the box" set
with no custom changes.

We have tested sending requests to this user from Windows and Mac
Clients with the same results. We have re-created this users Outlook
Profile with the same result. I have verified that no rules exist for
this Mac Client, nor are meetings set to auto-decline or anything like
that. We have also accessed this users mailbox from a Windows XP
client and OWA with the same results - no meeting requests in the
mailbox even though they have been sent to them. This occurs while
actively viewing the mailbox, again with a PC or Mac based Outlook

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


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