Outlook 2002, citrix, manage identities error


John Busch

I am supporting a user running a full desktop under Win2k
server / MF 1.8 and after resolving a profile error the
user was prompted to setup Outlook. I added the Exchange
server and had it resolve the name, which it did
correctly. The account opens and the mail appears but
after 30 seconds or so it states that there are no
identities setup and prompts to create one. If I do that
it will then kick the user out of Outlook. If I tell it to
log off the current identity it goes away and lets the
user work until the next time they log on. The scenario
starts all over again (just the identity part of it) at
that point. Any clue would be appreciated. Other than this
error the network profile is loading properly, no
temporary nonsense.

Please pardon the hotmail email address. I don't want to
expose my company to a spam assault.


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