PDF and Access 2007



A PDF created with Output To is exibiting very strange behavior. Viewing on
the monitor it is perfect. When printing "tt" ant "it" will not print Ex:
QUOTA ON (Quotation) or A n (Attn).
I have tried:
Different printer
Decompiled and compiled
Compact and Repair
Anyone seen this? Should I reinstall A2007?

Al Campagna

Well... that's is a strange bug!
One thing you'll need to do, before doing any further problem
determination, is to ensure that you have the very latest and greatest
printer drivers that your printer manufacturer provides.
Access is very particular about printer drivers.

You might also try some other Access to PDF freeware solutions that
are available.
I use FreePDF XP, and I really like it.
Others folks like CutePDF...
I think many folks on these NGs use a Stephen Leban's utility for PDFs
Trying one of those would help determine what's at fault here.
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP 2007-2009

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

Bob Howard

Caution with the Lebans code ... it won't work in Access 2010 (the SNP
format on which it depends has been withdrawn by MS). I use free BullZIP.
bob h


I had Bullzip installed for a previous project. Printed the report to it
and then from the pdf to printer. Perfect!
That is disappointing. Hoped to be able to use the pdf feature of 2007 w/o
having to install BullZip... oh well.

Al Campagna

Hmmm... Bullzip sounds like a two step process...

FreePDF XP acts just like a printer. You just select FreePDF as the
for your report, and that's it! It also does PDF direct to Email too.
I email all my Access monthly Client Invoices directly to my clients
using FreePDF.
(I do not have any stake in FreePDF XP, just a satisfied user...)

I think several of my clients use CutePDF to send Access sales
reports to their clients, and they swear by that app.

Good luck...
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP 2007-2009

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

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