pdf file from Publisher



With Don's wonderful help converting a newsletter to a more compact pdf
file, I was able to ftp the pdf file to website and provide a link. I am a
dial-up user and it takes forever for the Adobe Acrobat to load the two
newsletters. Although the when the September newsletter does load, I can go
from page to page and to the end without any problem. However, when the
October newsletter loads, if I try to go to the last of the page or scroll
to the last page, I get hung. The window task manager peaks to 100% and the
Adobe reader is hogging the CPU. I have installed the latest Adobe Acrobat
reader -6.0

I do not do this newsletter but I am familiar with Publisher. Although the
idea sounded good at the time to put the newsletter online and allow people
to print it off and save on postage and supplies, I am having second
thoughts. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the situation, I
would love to hear it.

Please check out the two newsletters and if you dare try to go to the last
page of October's and let me know if you get hung. I have two computers and
get hung on both of them.

I would greatly appreciate your suggestions and feedback. I am a volunteer
and am very appreciative to all the help I have received from these



Your 4 page file is still over a meg. I don't think your PDF is web
optimized. You need to downsample your pictures more if you are going to
view easily over a dialup.



Please explain. Newsletter was in Publisher (.pub file), what do you mean by
web optimized? I went back into the pub file and used Adobe PE to save the
jpg pictures as optimized for the web. Then I converted it to pdf file using
Primopdf and found out that there was not any difference using the .pub
file converted to pdf before I used Adobe PE. Is it the pictures that are
the main problem? What should I do?


Ed Bennett

A small child turns to Ed, and exclaims: "Look! Look! A post from Susan
However, when the October newsletter loads, if I
try to go to the last of the page or scroll to the last page, I get
hung. The window task manager peaks to 100% and the Adobe reader is
hogging the CPU. I have installed the latest Adobe Acrobat reader -6.0

Once downloaded, the newsletter loads fine here.

I would suggest that you are viewing the PDF in Internet Explorer, which
downloads the pages as you view them, so if the page has a lot of large
pictures on it, it will take a while to download when you go to it. This
will happen with any PDF with large images.

Mary Sauer

I couldn't get past the first page, however when I saved the file and opened it off
the web site it opened fine. I don't know if it makes a difference but I do have
Adobe. It says in the properties it is 1.14 MB. That doesn't seem too terribly large.

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