PPT 2007 Save as PDF - Flattening - Error Printing



Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any info on a particular problem I've been
experiencing. Using PPT 2007 on WinXP. Also have Adobe Acrobat Standard 6.0
and Reader 8.0

When saving my pptx file as a PDF from the Office 07 add-in, I noticed that
printing it using reader/acrobat takes forever. Both programs wants to
"flatten transparencies" and it tried to do so page by page. I have to give
up waiting because it takes so long. Presentation is only 16 slides using the
new "Foundry" theme in PPT 2007. I changed themes and most of them create the
same error. The only one that works is the generic "Office Theme".

I then tried to use tools in Acrobat to reduce file size and save it for pdf
version 4.0 and an eror popped up there similiar to the flatten transparency

It seems Microsoft has added the ability to generate a PDF, but did not
fully test the functionality of it and actually try to print a pdf created
from PPT 2007. Is anyone else seeing this, or can verify this (we are seeing
this on 6 test machines)? Is there a way to get PPT to "flatten" whatever
needs to be flattened as part of the save to pdf or using by using another
feature in PPT?

Only solution I can see is using Office Theme when saving as PDF in PPT 2007
or sending slides to Word and creating PDF from there.

Thanks, Brian


Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Tried it and same deal, adobe reader tries to
flatten it and it takes forever.

Also, I know Adobe Acrobat Professional has all sorts of flattening tools
and options. We use Standard so we don't see those.

I was hoping there is more of a fix for it in PPT 2007 or with the save to
pdf option there. This is going to create big problems for us as we encourage
everyone to save ppts as pdf for printing ease.

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