Prevent custom folders



Hello All,

First of all, a little background... we are working in Exchange 200
with Outlook 2007. We have put retentions on a couple of sub folder
under the Managed Folders in an effort to push people to keep email
only so long (Legal and space concerns). We are trying to set up
pretty strict policy regarding the storing of emails with respect to ho
long they can be kept.

Our problem.... people can still create custom folders under thei
mailbox. It appears that we can globally prevent the creation o
folders, but that would stop them from creating any folders includin
sub folders under the Managed folders which we want them to be able t
do. We have limited them to being able to create folders within severa
folders we have created under the Managed Folders. We would like t
prevent them from creating any folders outside of the Managed Folders.
We would minimally be happy with a way of a "Seek and Destroy" method o
dealing with folders outside of the Managed Folders.

Has anyone done this or know of a way to do this?



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